Der Vorgang 28021

Der erste Kontakt 28021

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello! It's Irina. I recently tried to reach out to you and I'm not confident if you received my letter. I'm from Russia, from a settlement named Tinarka, near Ulyanovsk. This is my first time connecting online, and I'd like to find a honest person who values honesty as much as I do. I'm intrigued by the idea of finding love or at least a new friend in this different format for me. I recently found out about a dating agency and opted to give it a try. They gave me your email. Right now, I'm working as a gynecologist, and it's my vocation to help people. I'll send a photo with my email so you know who you're interacting with. I hope to see your photos too.I'd be keen to find out more about you. Inform me about your interests, work. And yes, check your "Spam" folder. My previous letter might have gone there. Let's add each other to "Favorites" so we don't miss out on contact.Best regards.Irina.
Hello! My mailbox was full of spam email and therefore I could not receive your email, now I've cleaned it and now everything is fine.
Please send your last mail again, I will be waiting for it!
Your new friend, Irina!
Hello! In my last mail, I wrote to you that I could not get your answer because of an overflowing inbox.
I'm worried that you don't get my mail either. Please check the spam email folder,
May be my email get there. And send your last mail again.
Your new friend, Irina!