Der Vorgang 28163

Der erste Kontakt 28163

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Greetings Whatâ€s up! My name is Gulmiram. I 'm a single woman. I do not have children. I am a university graduate. I am searching for a reliable darling to adore, respect and understand each other, to share common views. I have an intention to have by my side a trustworthy honey who treasures the comfort and the shelter of the family, supportive attitudes and mutual understanding. In fact, I am looking for a sweetheart who is ready for marriage. I do no want to play games. I have an intention to find a solid sweetheart who hates playing games with me. You could make me happier by writing me an answer using my email. I 'm hoping to receive your letter. Have a good day. If you are interested Please reply ONLY to my personal mail box: liduklilia@gmail.comWith the best wishes, Gulmiram,