Der Vorgang 28196

Der erste Kontakt 28196

Anzahl der Mails: 13

Es wurden insgesamt -- 13 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Greet. matchless:) I require to exchange words,
Where do U live now?
I am a lonely inimitable girl in Russia and waiting for natural dude;)
I can send to You my picture;) Write to me at Have a good day.
Really looking forward to your answer :)
Hello!!! I am so glad to see your letter!!! I already thought that you
forget about me. The reason why I was uncomfortable speaking dating
site - because it's the perverts who post messages and ask to be
naked. photo. You know, you're the first man who didn't ask me for a
naked photo. So I immediately became interested in getting to know you
more. After all, this is already an indicator that you are a cultured
man! It is pleasant to communicate with a cultured person. I can tell
you a little about myself, if you want to continue our communication,
then we can communicate more.I’m sorry that you simply forgot who I
am... I asked you for your email and said what I would write here. You
agreed and send me your email... It’s strange that you don’t remember
me and completely forgot that I should write to you My name is
Anastasia. I am 33 years old. And what is your name? How old are you?
I hope that for you, as well as for me, the most important thing in
communication is honesty. I want to say right away that I'm not just
looking for communication. I only have serious intentions. I told you
a little about myself and I am sending you my letter with a photo.
I'll be waiting for your letter, I hope you reply soon. Sincerely,

P.S I hope you like my photos.
I saw that you wrote me your one letter. But why didn’t you answer my

new letter and wrote just one line? I thought that you would be

interested in talking to me.... I asked you to tell me about your

intentions and also send me your photo. Perhaps you simply did not

read my letter carefully and simply did not notice my request. I hope

that in your next letter you will write to me about your intentions.

And also send me your photo, which I’m waiting for from you! xxx,

as I already told you, I am 33 years old. I was born on December 10,

1989. My height is 167 centimeters, my weight is 63 kilograms. Now

I'll tell you what I like. I hope you are really interested in finding

out. I love swimming in the pool, cycling, and every Sunday at 8:00 I

do yoga! My favorite color is white. What color do you like best?

Maybe you have several favorite colors? I live in Russia, in the small

provincial town of Severomorsk. My city is in the Murmansk region. I

have never been married in my life.. But one day it almost happened..

xxxtely, I did not make such a mistake. But you know, We have a

saying: "The windshield is so big because the future requires a full

view to see what opportunities there are. The rear view mirror is so

small because the past should not be forgotten, but looked at because

it is behind." you." Do you agree with this? Currently I work at a

school as a specialist in raising children with disabilities. I have

to work with children who have Cerebral palsy. I have my own class

with 25 children. You know, I love my job. My job is responsible and

takes a lot of effort, because every child needs a special approach.

It's really quite difficult, but when I see the smile on the faces of

these children, it makes me happier, stronger and I understand that

these children really need me. I hope you can understand me. When I

see the smile on the children's faces, my heart is just ready to jump

out of my chest. Now my life has come to the point where I understand

a lot. Without a man, a girl will never feel special. I am very

lonely, and I want this loneliness to disappear once and for all. I am

sure that my happiness is somewhere close. I hope that you and I share

the same interests. I believe with all my heart that the time will

come and I will meet such a loving person. After all, love is the most

important thing in life! And I don’t believe those people who say that

love passes. Love is eternal! She dies only when her loving heart

stops beating. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe in

eternal love? I hope I didn’t make you bored and that you were

interested in learning about me. I will be waiting for your new

answer. Your friend Anastasia

p.s Summer morning jog

Hello! How was your Christmas? I hope you will answer me soon?
Hello! Have you seen my letter? I told you that I am interested in seeing your letter in my mail. I will ask you to answer me as soon as possible!
I'm waiting for your letter, so why don't you write to me? I thought you were interested in talking to me. I hope that you will be able to answer me very soon!
Are you here? When will you answer my letter? I'm really looking forward to hearing from you!
I thought that you could still write to me... Why are you silent? I'm waiting for your answer!
I was so looking forward to your letter, but you didn’t write to me... Why is that? I hope to see your letter very soon!
Hello! I thought that you would write to me after all... How did you spend your weekend? I hope you answer me soon :)
Are you here? Are you all right? I'm waiting for your answer!
Hello... It's really sad because you couldn't write me your letter... I hope you answer me soon!