Der Vorgang 28297

Der erste Kontakt 28297

Anzahl der Mails: 11

Es wurden insgesamt -- 11 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good day there!!

How are things going?

My first name is Angella.!

At this time I'm 37 years of age.!

I was born and now live in country!! I would like to meet u better. Where you come from originally?

I'm honestly interested in you.!

I searching for a male for creating close relationship!.

To myself, what matters most in a gentleman is integrity, allegiance, confidence!.

I want to meet you because I do not want nothing to do with person.!

I'm looking forward to your feedback.

If you like to know something about my person, you could question, Iwill be glad to reply u.,

But I have a big wish to you, to response me only if you’re interested in communicating with me.

So you are not interested in communicating, please don’t take the my time!!

Wish you a lovely day.. Angel!.

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The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments transmitted are originated by the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH); its use is privileged and/or confidential and may only be used by the individual, entity or company to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail by error, please destroy it and contact the sender. If you are not the addressee you may not disclose, copy, distribute or take any action based on its contents. Any unauthorized retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of any part of this message is strictly prohibited and sanctioned by law. The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message may not necessarily be those of UNAH management or directives.


How are u doing?

My 1st name's Angeli.,

I'm actually 37 years of age!!

I am originally and now live in country,. I’d like to meet you better.! Where you came from originally?

I'm honestly interested in you..

I searching for a young man for building a stable relationship!!

To myself, the main thing in a person is fairness, allegiance, trust.

I decided to meet you because I do not want anything to do with men..

I am looking forward to your response.!

So you like to know little bit about me, you could question, Iwill be glad to say you.

And I have a big wish to you, to reply me only if you’re interested in correspondence with me!.

In case you aren’t interested in communicating, please don’t waste our time..

Have a wonderful day.! Angeli.!


How are things getting on?

My first name is Angeli.!

I'm actually 37 years old.,

I am originally and now live in country. I would like to meet you better.! Where u came from originally?

I am honestly interested in our interactions.

I searching for a someone for building a stable relationship!.

For myself, what matters most in a male is honesty, fidelity, confidence..

I wish to meet you because I do not want anything to do with person.

I'm looking forward to ur response.!

If u prefer to know anything about myself, u could question, Iwould be glad to answer u.,

So I have a big request to you, to reply me only if you’re interested in correspondence with me,.

So you are not interested in communicating, please don’t take the our time.!

Wish you a lovely day., Angeli.!

Hi, thank you for responding to my letter! I hope my previous letter didn't seem strange to you, I just wanted to make sure that you are a real person and you are looking for a serious relationship, not just entertainment?
I am from Kazakhstan , how I look you can see in my photos,I will attach my photos to my letter.
I wrote you the first letter from a dating agency. I found your profile in the Dating Agency "2-hearts and love", and I know that you are not from Kazakhstan, but I think that this will not interfere with our communication with you.
I want to immediately indicate what I'm here for,I'm looking for a serious relationship, and if you are not interested in a serious relationship, you can tell me directly so I don't bother you anymore.
I won't write much right now, I just wanted to know where you're from and what you're looking for?
I don't know how your profile ended up in a Dating Agency , very little has been written about you, and I do not know if it was true or a joke, and I'm interested to learn more about you and see your real photos, then I will be very happy to continue our communication, if you don't mind?
I once corresponded with a man on the Internet, he was from Kazakhstan , but he only wanted naked photos, and I'm not here for that and not for games, as I said I'm looking for a serious relationship.
now I am writing to you using my personal mail, and you can write to me here, I will be happy to answer your questions and continue our communication.
Hi! My working day is ending and I was hoping that you would write to me! Angelica

Today I came to work and immediately checked my email, but I didn’t see your letter. You may be very busy right now, but I hope you will find time to write to me. Today is Saturday and I have a short working day! I will be waiting for your letter! Angelica
Hello. It s me Angelica. Please forgive me that I couldn’t write to you. The fact is that I went on a business trip for several days and returned only on Saturday evening. Today is Monday and I hope that I will receive a letter from you. Angelica.
How are you my darling! Today I came to work and checked my mail hoping to see your letter, and I felt sad because I wrote you a letter and sent you a photo, but you didnt write me anything! I am waiting for your letter! I hope that you will answer my previous letter! Angelica!
Good afternoon How are you doing? Good day to you! May this entire day bring you positivity, warmth, joy, inspiration and many opportunities. Enjoy every moment and try to make it special!
Hello! Have a nice day and good mood to you! Let the day be quiet, calm, kind. Let only good things fill your life on this day, multiply and carry over into the next days! Angelica
Good morning dear friend. I hope this day is amazing for you. Enjoy your day and feel happy! Angelica