Der Vorgang 28300

Der erste Kontakt 28300

Anzahl der Mails: 10

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Good Day,

mister kindhearted:) I hope you're free to speak,

Where do u live now? I am a single class lady living in Russia. Now I'm waiting for ripe dude;) I'm going to reply to You my photo attach;) E-mail to

Thank you)
Hello! How is your day? I hope you are in a good mood and I can make
your day a little happier. I also sent you my photos to please you.
Why don't you do this in return?? I hope it won't be difficult for you
to take a photo for me. I'll wait tomorrow. xxx, as I already told
you, I am 31 years old. I was born on May 22, 1992. My height is 167
centimeters, my weight is 52 kilograms. Now I'll tell you what I like.
I hope you are really interested in finding out. I love swimming in
the pool, walking on my scooter, and every Sunday at 8:00 I do yoga! I
have a cat, her name is Murka. She is a very sweet girl and she always
makes my days happier!!! My favorite color is white. What color do you
like best? Maybe you have several favorite colors? I live in Russia,
in a small provincial town of Alexandrovsk. My city is in the Perm
region. I have never been married in my life.. But one day it almost
happened.. xxxtely, I did not make such a mistake. But you know,
We have a saying: "The windshield is so big because the future
requires a full view to see what opportunities there are. The rear
view mirror is so small because the past should not be forgotten, but
looked at because it is behind." you." Do you agree with this?
Currently I work at a school as a specialist in raising children with
disabilities. I have to work with children who have Cerebral palsy. I
have my own class with 25 children. You know, I love my job. My job is
responsible and takes a lot of effort, because every child needs a
special approach. It's really quite difficult, but when I see the
smile on the faces of these children, it makes me happier, stronger
and I understand that these children really need me. I hope you can
understand me. When I see the smile on the children's faces, my heart
is just ready to jump out of my chest. Now my life has come to the
point where I understand a lot. Without a man, a girl will never feel
special. I am very lonely, and I want this loneliness to disappear
once and for all. I am sure that my happiness is somewhere close. I
hope that you and I share the same interests. I believe with all my
heart that the time will come and I will meet such a loving person.
After all, love is the most important thing in life! And I don’t
believe those people who say that love passes. Love is eternal! She
dies only when her loving heart stops beating. What are your thoughts
on this? Do you believe in eternal love? I hope I didn’t make you
bored and that you were interested in learning about me. I will be
waiting for your new answer. Your friend Anna

Happy New Year! I hope you had a great New Year and spent this time
with your loved ones. Perhaps that's why you still haven't answered my
letter. But I hope you will do it soon...
Hello. Are you okay?? It's just that you've been silent for the second
day and I don't think that you could not enter your mail for all this
time. Maybe you are too busy. Just write if you saw my letter. Tell me
you need time and I'll wait. I hope you write to me...
Are you okay? How is your morning? How is the day going? The weather
in my city is wet and there are a lot of puddles outside. Today, when
I was in a hurry to work and wanted to cross the road, a truck passed
and drove through a puddle ... I didn’t notice it and only realized it
when I got wet from head to toe haha. I went back home to change and
had to be a little late for work. Hope your day goes better than
Again, no response from you... I'm starting to lose hope for your
response. I just keep writing to you because I promised to do so. When
you gave me your email, I deleted my profile from the dating site
because I was serious about continuing to communicate with you. Too
bad you didn't appreciate it...
How is your day? You didn't receive a letter? check all folders in
your mail. I heard that the letter can end up in another folder for
some reason. I hope you find my letters. I told you about myself. I
was waiting for you to tell me about yourself too and we will continue
our acquaintance. I hope after this letter I will get an answer... I
will send you a photo. Perhaps it will cheer you up and help you relax
after a hard day.
Your friend Anna, who is still waiting for your letter.
Heeey?? Where are you again? Are you really okay? I'm still trying to
figure out when should I expect your letter? I hope everything is
going well in your life and you're just busy right now, so you can't
write to me. I'm really waiting for you... Today the weather is fine
in my city. I went to work in a good mood. It would be great to
receive your letter on this day!
How was your weekend? I didn't receive your reply today... I hope
you're ok and just haven't found the time to respond to me yet. But I
will wait for you to answer my letter.
Hello. How is your day? How are things at work? It would be great if
you could take the time to write to me that day... I'm fine. Work is
ok. The only thing missing is your answer. I hope you all answer me
like this and read my letters. Will wait.