Der Vorgang 28362

Der erste Kontakt 28362

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hello Sweetheart great day and wonderful mood. I seek a decent man to establish a very strong relationship. I are alone and I am very lonely. I decided write you maybe we can get closer, I can attach you picture, give information about me. I locate in the center of Eastern Europe and Near Asia-xxxia. I Lali. I am thirty-five years old. My birthday May 28 twenty eight. My zodiac sign - gemini. If you are interested in our further acquaintance then I am very happy about our acquaintance and communication.If you are interested in me Please answer ONLY to my regular e-mail: Laliturkadze90@outlook.comSend me your images and I will attach my photos too. Wonderful day! Best regards, Lali.