Der Vorgang 28386

Der erste Kontakt 28386

Anzahl der Mails: 5

Es wurden insgesamt -- 5 -- Datensätze gefunden.
I think I might have found what I have been looking for.
I saw what you wrote only once, but after that where did you disappear?
I wish you text was longer and showed a little more.
my name is Salamat
What is your name? I see that you xxx. Is this a nickname?
What can I say I’m being honest. Looking at you makes me feel fantastic!
The New Year holidays are over, and now there are sales of New Year's items in the shopping center
You can take a look with me into my fitting room and the type of clothes that I choose to wear when this new spring comes.
Please send more videos and pictures I giving you one of my pictures.
I hope that you like the way I look.

Hello xxx!
I feel like we might have a lot in common and I'd like to get to know you better.
I live in Riga, Latvia and love to travel, meet people, learn new things
and overcome difficulties.
I am also interested in music, art and sports.
I think we can find common interests.
I understand that we live in different countries,
but perhaps we can get to know each other better.
If you are interested, let me know and I will tell you about myself
I hope that you will accept my invitation to meet you, and I look forward to your response.
I don't want to lose touch with you
Tell me your second email.
Do you have another email address?
Best wishes, Salamat!

Hello xxx!
My name is Salamat and I am from Latvia. I work as a Salesperson in a cosmetics store and in my free time I like to sing and dance.
Singing improves your mood, and dancing improves your well-being.
My height is 175 cm and my weight is 59 kg? I am 35 years old. I also adore cats, and I like to spend time at home learning a lot and developing.
I would like to know about your life and plans for the future. Do you enjoy your work?
What are your hobbies and interests? What would you like to do in the future?
I like to learn something new every day and study it,
for example, preparing a new dish and then trying it,
or hum a new song and dance to it.
Have you had any highlights that you will remember for a lifetime?
My life is a series of ups and downs.
but Every time I stumble, I get up, dust off and move on.
Life is like a carousel, always bringing new surprises, and since I am lonely, I have to fight alone. Honestly, I'm so tired.
How often do you make mistakes and fall?
You can look at me and imagine me in real life
This photo best represents me in everyday life
This is not a dress, this is a nightgown))
I would love to hear more about you and I hope our correspondence will continue. Best wishes, Salamat!

Hello xxx!
What kind of music do you listen to? What genres of music do you like?
As for music, I prefer popular hits that are easy to remember and easy to sing.
Rock is no exception, I prefer music of all genres.
I have many favorite songs, I like most popular songs.
I can’t pick a special one from them.
I think we can write about everything and talk to you about any topic,
chatting and sharing experiences is what I want most.
Are you having nightmares?
Lately I've been having a lot of nightmares,
this is probably because the product is being inspected at work soon and I’m worried about the product inspection,
and because of my worries, I’m scared and at the same time I have terrible dreams.
Have you looked at the photo of me, where I am, and there’s a box of food on the table?
In that box was a dinner consisting of fried potatoes, chicken, a fried egg and cranberry juice.
I sometimes visit cafes to eat something tasty.
Do you like to try something new? Or do you prefer food that tastes familiar?

Have you seen my photo from the store fitting room?
I didn’t buy the dress from the sale, but I managed to try it on.
I wanted to buy this dress to wear in spring 2024,
Do you think it suits me? Should I still have bought it?
Best wishes, Salamat!

Hello xxx!
How good it is that I have a new friend. Smile
We exchange letters and cheer each other up.
It’s just that after a hard day I miss such a positive friend like you.
I'm very interested in learning more about you, and I want to get to know you better.
I enjoy making new friends, especially from another country.
Learn new cultures, habits of other countries and learn something new.
I live in Latvia in the beautiful city of Riga.
I decided to find a friend on the Internet.
Perhaps I can find my soulmate there. I will be very happy then.
Because I want to have my own family, love my husband and give him my love and affection.
I want to ask a question? What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Love or respect? Or is everything important together?
If I get into a relationship. I want there to be trust, honesty, understanding, sincerity, and fidelity in the relationship.
If this is all, then we will not have any disputes. I don't like people who argue all the time.
Arguing doesn't lead to anything good.
Do you have a hobby? Or what do you like to do?
My hobby is to cook something tasty, for example I like to bake cookies for tea,
I love trying new recipes. And I bake at home or cook something new from a recipe book.
My hobby is also visiting new places to try the cooking of a new cafe.
Why is it my hobby to try something new?
After all, there should be something in life that makes you happy and gives you some positive emotions, in addition to the long, boring everyday life.
If possible, I would invite you to a cafe to test something new and tasty.
Perhaps soon I will be able to send you a video of me.
With this letter I am sending you photographs. I did it recently.
Now I will look forward to your letter with great impatience.
looking forward, Salamat!