Der Vorgang 28394

Der erste Kontakt 28394

Anzahl der Mails: 8

Es wurden insgesamt -- 8 -- Datensätze gefunden.
tasty Mister outstanding, What is your age? Where are U right now?
immediately I'm looking for curious guy, I'm lonely suitable Person born in Russia;-) I am going to send You my picture;-) this is email box is: ;-) Good bye
Hello! How is your day? I hope you are in a good mood and I can make
your day a little happier. xxx, as I already told you, I am 31
years old. I was born on May 22, 1992. My height is 167 centimeters,
my weight is 52 kilograms. Now I'll tell you what I like. I hope you
are really interested in finding out. I love swimming in the pool,
walking on my scooter, and every Sunday at 8:00 I do yoga! I have a
cat, her name is Murka. She is a very sweet girl and she always makes
my days happier!!! My favorite color is white. What color do you like
best? Maybe you have several favorite colors? I'm in the small
provincial town of Alexandrovsk. My city is in the Perm region. I have
never been married in my life.. But one day it almost happened..
xxxtely, I did not make such a mistake. But you know, We have a
saying: "The windshield is so big because the future requires a full
view to see what opportunities there are. The rear view mirror is so
small because the past should not be forgotten, but looked at because
it is behind." you." Do you agree with this? Currently I work at a
school as a specialist in raising children with disabilities. I have
to work with children who have Cerebral palsy. I have my own class
with 25 children. You know, I love my job. My job is responsible and
takes a lot of effort, because every child needs a special approach.
It's really quite difficult, but when I see the smile on the faces of
these children, it makes me happier, stronger and I understand that
these children really need me. I hope you can understand me. When I
see the smile on the children's faces, my heart is just ready to jump
out of my chest. Now my life has come to the point where I understand
a lot. Without a man, a girl will never feel special. I am very
lonely, and I want this loneliness to disappear once and for all. I am
sure that my happiness is somewhere close. I hope that you and I share
the same interests. I believe with all my heart that the time will
come and I will meet such a loving person. After all, love is the most
important thing in life! And I don’t believe those people who say that
love passes. Love is eternal! She dies only when her loving heart
stops beating. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe in
eternal love? I hope I didn’t make you bored and that you were
interested in learning about me. I will be waiting for your new
answer. Your friend Anna

How is your day? I thought today that your answer would be waiting for
me when I arrived. Perhaps you have not had time to free yourself and
find time for me ... I am writing just to say that I am still waiting
for your answer. Don't forget to write as soon as possible!
Your new friend Anna
Hello. How is your day? You must be busy and that's why you haven't
written to me yet. I wish your day went well and you were in a great
mood. I'll wait for you... I hope you write as soon as you have some
Your friend Anna
How was your weekend? I didn't receive your reply today... I hope
you're ok and just haven't found the time to respond to me yet. But I
will wait for you to answer my letter.
How are you I was thinking maybe you are not getting my emails... or
are they going into the Spam folder?? Maybe today you can see what I
write to you. My day went well. The work was not busy and I came to
write to you in a good mood. It's a pity that you still can't write
back to me... I'm still waiting.
Hello! How did you spend your weekend? I hope you are well?? I haven't
received your answer... Most likely you haven't had any free time yet.
But I will wait for you to be able to read the letter that I sent you
the last time and write to me too. Have a good day! Your friend Anna
Again, no response from you... I'm starting to lose hope for your
response. I just keep writing to you because I promised to do so. When
you gave me your email, I deleted my profile from the dating site
because I was serious about continuing to communicate with you. Too
bad you didn't appreciate it...