Der Vorgang 28398

Der erste Kontakt 28398

Anzahl der Mails: 8

Es wurden insgesamt -- 8 -- Datensätze gefunden.
What is your age?
how're u?
Where do You live? I'm alone kindly Woman staying in Russian Federation) righ now I am looking for brave dude;-)
this is email box for answer: ! I will send You my photo,
Hello. Do you still remember me? You wrote to me earlier and I would
like to continue our communication. I hope you haven't forgotten about
me. You seemed like an interesting man to me. I'll text you here,
tomorrow after work. I hope that I will get an answer from you soon
and we will continue to get to know each other. I will also send you
my photo. I hope you like it.

Hi! I wrote you a letter yesterday, where I attached my photo. But I
still haven't received an answer from you. Do you even remember me?
You seemed like an interesting man to me and I would like to talk to
you. I hope that you will answer me soon, I will be waiting for you.
Hey! How's it going? I hope you're doing well! Did you get my message
from yesterday? It's just that you didn't even write anything back.
That's why I'm worried it got lost. Did you check your spam folder?
Hi! You still haven't answered me. Why? Are you working or do you have
things to do? I hope to get a letter, but you're not writing.. Maybe
you just didn't get my letter for you? You should check your spam.
Maybe my letter got there for you? I hope that you will do this and
answer me very soon!
Hey! How are you? You don't write me anything.. I don't understand
what happened.. I hope that everything is fine and we can continue our
communication. I will wait for your answer.
My friend, I'm looking for your letter again, like a needle in a
haystack. Is it hiding from me to surprise me? Although, I would
prefer a surprise in the form of an answer from you. Come on, don't be
secretive, open up your thoughts and let me know that you are alive
and have not turned into a letter of food! With expectation, Anna
Hi! How was your weekend? What have you been doing? I spent them quite
calmly myself, but with benefit.