Der Vorgang 28434

Der erste Kontakt 28434

Anzahl der Mails: 4

Es wurden insgesamt -- 4 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello. And I really hope that this mine notice would reach u in good mood. Please, do not be surprised, that today I contacted u. I may easy explain to you, why I am sending u is now. Since to this present only one reason. And its reason is that I am so lonely now. By this letter I wish to forget about it. Because of it I hope that u either single, and you can understand me in this. The loneliness is the most worse thing, that may happened to any person. Do u feel the same? If u agreed with me, then reply me soon. I would tell u some information of me. You may call me Vera. Hope u will see my foto attached to this letter. I wish that I found the right man for my aim. I mean u. And that you this time are not have partner.

Hello xxx!

I already sent you a letter. But you still have not answered me. Why? Do you not
want to talk to me? You didn’t like my photo? Did you have time to answer? I
don’t know ... I’m not sure that you got my previous one, so I decided to write
to you again in the hope of receiving your answer...


Hello xxx!

I want to ask you, have you received letters from me? I wrote you several
letters and never saw an answer. You may have received them in your spam folder.
But if you are not interested in getting to know each other, then tell me and we
will interrupt our communication and further acquaintance. I hope for your


Hello xxx!

How are you doing? I want to ask you, do you receive my letters? This is already
a repeated letter to you. I want to know if you are interested in meeting and
communicating with me. If not, just write and we will finish our acquaintance,
if you are interested in further communication, write to me and we will
continue. There is no answer after your letter and I don’t know what you think.
Give me an answer.
