Der Vorgang 28436

Der erste Kontakt 28436

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hello! And I really hope that this my message would find u in nice spirit. Please, do not be shoked, that now I address you. I can easy tell to u, why I contact u it today. Because to this exist only one cause. And its reason is that I am so lonely now. By this message I want to escape from this bad feeling. Because of it I hope that you also single, and you may understand me in this. The loneliness is the most worse thing, which may be to any person. If u feel the same? If u agreed with me, then write me back me as soon as possible. Here is some information about me. I am Vera. Hope you can see my photo with this message. I wish that I found that one person for my goal. I mean u. And that u now are not have partner.