Der Vorgang 2851

Der erste Kontakt 2851

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello xxxxx,

Thanks so much for your urgent response concerning my request of your assistance to transfer and invest in your country. Firstly I will like to introduce myself to you before we proceed further; my name is Ms Amina Remi from the origin of Cote d’ivoire, our country currently forth a serious political war that a lot of people died and some flee to the nearby countries for the safety of their lives. It was a great shock to me that I lost my parents during the war, because they were victimized and found dead as my father is holding a very big post in our country before his death.

My late Father was the formal director of Cocoa exportation in our country before his death, as you know that our country is the highest cocoa & coffee producing country in the world, my late father realized these funds from his private Cocoa and chocolate producing company which he was planning to use it for an establishment foreign investment on telephone communication network in republic of Togo before his death.

I managed to escape from my country during the war by the help of United Nations peace keeping soldiers (UN). I found myself as a refugee here in Republic of Togo, and on my getting here I went to the bank where he deposited the funds on my name, and after presenting the legal beneficiary documents to them, they recognized me as the next beneficiary of the funds, then I told them about my intentions of transferring the funds to overseas for a foreign investments which they agreed and recommended that I should search for a foreign partner in any country of my choice that will stand as my partner to receive the funds, and because of that I contact you.

So the bank is waiting for me to conclude with my foreign partner before they should start preparing for the transfer of my funds. Meanwhile if you are really interested to assist me in receiving this funds and investing it in your country, then reply me very urgently with your full details and identifications for confidential purposes. And after receiving your mail I will then send to you every prove concerning the existence of this funds and my full details information such as my passport copies, address, direct telephone numbers and all the relevant documents related to the existence of the funds in the bank on my name.

I will also like if you could send to me copy of your identity, address and direct telephone numbers, this will make me to have more confident in you in this transaction, and again after that I will put you in communication with the bank, because I want to come over to your country immediately after the funds transferred for the investment and to continue my education while you manage our investments.

Get back to me very urgent so that we can conclude and by next week the bank can start preparing for the transfer to your country.

Yours Alain
Hello xxxxx,
Am waiting for your response since then, please email me back very urgent so that i can give you further details as i told you on my recent mail.

Thanks and am waiting
Yours Alain
Hello xxxxx,
Am seriously waiting for your response since then to proceed to the transfer of the funds, please let me hear from you very urgent.
Thanks and God bless
Yours Alain