Der Vorgang 2856

Der erste Kontakt 2856

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
More About Me Again, I am 32years old, My name is Racheal Simon and i am originally from Australia, My father is from Australia and my mother is from Nigeria and i have been married once in Australia but i lost my father and my husband so that is why i decided to move to Nigeria right now so i live with my mom and i work as a Nurse right now here in Nigeria so let me know what you think about the distance. can you please try to get a yahoo messenger account so we can chat there sometimes or what do you think and i will be happy if you can also reply me back with more about you and your picture okay. I will be hoping to read back soon.God bLess,Racheal
Thank You for the email message well i have sent you more about me and my picture and i also added you please check your inbox and if its not in the inbox just check the spam box for it and reply me back okay.