Der Vorgang 28564

Der erste Kontakt 28564

Anzahl der Mails: 5

Es wurden insgesamt -- 5 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Happy New Year!
I won't write a big letter
because my photo will tell you more than 1000 words.
I wrote your name on my stomach to
show you how much I want to be with you.
I have already written many times that a miserable $300
stand between us. Between our meeting!
They are like an invisible wall that
prevents us from hugging!
Tear down this wall! Help me!
Do your best as I did.
I really want to meet you!!!! You are my dream
and I really want it to come true.
I really want to leave this Hell.
Hope you really want it too and
We will finally meet.
I have already written many times how to
send me this money.
Those 300 dollars that separate me from you.
I look forward to your positive response.
I have attached a photo of my dream.
I'm sorry you don't believe me.
It was necessary for our happiness.
I wouldn't ask your money anymore.
I would fly to you and we would be happy.
I'm sorry that my dream did not come true.
I have to go home.
I will slowly die there.
I will return to school, I will work again
and will return all your money to you,
if you ask for it!
I hope that we will remain good friends...
But the last time I ask you -
Perhaps you change your mind and send me the money?
Then I swear to you that I will not let you down and
will come to you! I PROMISE!
The last decision is yours.
You have time to think a few more days while
I wait for this here in Astana.
Bye! Aizada.
I already wrote to you that I only need 300 dollars.
If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-
KZ18 6010 0020 3892 1184.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA.
Or send money in euros (that would be 300 euros) to this account –
KZ88 6010 0020 3892 1185.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA.
The bank also provided me with a free plastic card.
You can send money directly to the card.
My card number is 4405 6397 8709 5767 01/29.
or please, send money to my name - AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA,
Via KoronaPay or MoneyGram or Western Union
to the city of Astana, the country of Kazakhstan.
But most convenient way for me if you send money to
my bitcoin wallet -


You can send money to me without leaving your home.
I can immediately go to the exchange office and exchange
bitcoins for cash. If you don't have your wallet,
then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.
You only need to install the application
Here you can both buy and send bitcoin.
You can also send money through an ATM.
You can see where the closest one to you is here -
or here -
Through an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.
I have also attached a qr-code. This is my wallet code.
This will make it even easier for you to transfer money.
Just scan it. Now everything is up to you.

I am infinitely tired of being alone here.
I hope for your help. Understand, I didn’t write laws
for your country. This is your government. They don't
want to accept poor immigrants, so they came up with
this law that everyone who comes in must show that they
have cash for the first days of life in your country.
You understand the main thing, as soon as I am at the
airport, I will immediately give you this money.
You will not lose anything! You don't risk anything.
Therefore, if you don't want to lose our dream,
please fulfill my request. This is not a fantastic amount.
I think my love costs a lot more. You will understand
when I arrive. I have already passed 100 circles of
hell to come. Don't deprive me of a chance.
This is the last test. No longer. I really hope for
you and look forward to a positive result.
I have only a few days to get the money.
I also have great news. For customs and quarantine,
I had to have my blood tested to prove that I was not
suffering from anything serious. Without this I would
not have been allowed into your country! I have attached
a photo of the certificate! I'm completely healthy!
I'm very happy!!!
You just need to go through customs and that's it!!!
We will be happy together, I promise!!!!!!!!!
I love you and waiting your letter!

I just returned from work. Today I worked the night shift.
I was in a hurry at Internet cafe because I was expecting
good news from you. I was hoping you sent me the money.
But unfortunately you didn't do this...
Why are you giving up on me?
It remains to take the last step and I will come to you?
Have you stopped loving me? tell me the truth.
Today the last time when I ask you for help.
Do you have time to send money before my departure?
Can I hope for you? or should I go back to my
village and forget you? I already wrote to you
that I will not spend this money.
I just have to go over the border with the money
in my wallet. As soon as I cross the border,
I will immediately give you your money.
Please understand me and don't refuse help.
I'm waiting for your answer.
I already wrote to you that I only need 300 dollars.
If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-
KZ18 6010 0020 3892 1184.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA.
Or send money in euros (that would be 300 euros) to this account –
KZ88 6010 0020 3892 1185.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA.
The bank also provided me with a free plastic card.
You can send money directly to the card.
My card number is 4405 6397 8709 5767 01/29.
or please, send money to my name - AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA,
Via KoronaPay or MoneyGram to the city of Astana,
the country of Kazakhstan.
But most convenient way for me if you send money to
my bitcoin wallet -


You can send money to me without leaving your home.
I can immediately go to the exchange office and exchange
bitcoins for cash. If you don't have your wallet,
then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.
You only need to install the application
Here you can both buy and send bitcoin.
You can also send money through an ATM.
You can see where the closest one to you is here -
or here -
Through an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.
I have also attached a qr-code. This is my wallet code.
This will make it even easier for you to transfer money.
Just scan it. Now everything is up to you.

I will not write much, because I already have no
strength. If today or tomorrow I don't receive money,
then I will be forced to return back to my village.
And all my strength and money will be wasted.
300 dollars is not a millionaire fortune.
But without this money I can't come to you.
I just want to hear a true answer from you.
Should I wait or go home? I am waiting for your decision.
Now everything is in your hands.