Der Vorgang 28566

Der erste Kontakt 28566

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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Good day xxx. Some time ago, I was subscribed to I see a notification with your email. are you a heterosexual man? communicated with women on the Internet before? There are a lot of gay people who write to my profile on I deleted my online profile. I hope that you are an adequate and decent man and will answer my message quickly.
My divorce was in 2019. I have been married for 3 years, no children. After the divorce, I see that the world has changed. All people on the Internet and acquaintance in reality is not available. This is a shock to me. I thought we could share our thoughts here. Write a message and send your photos. Maybe this is our chance to become good friends. I live in Cyprus. In the city of Larnaca. It is very warm here, despite the winter. Air temperature plus 18 degrees.
My name is Nadina. I try to check my mailbox often. Waiting for your message and photo. Resend your message if I don't reply to your message quickly.

xxx, hello nice to meet you. I just now saw your message. There are a lot of mailings coming in. Mostly advertising. I think you know this when some online store fills up with its promotional offers. To be honest, I didn’t expect you to answer my message at all. I thought it was someone's cruel joke. But now I look at your message and understand that you are a real person.
I live my life one day at a time. I work 5 days a week. And I am looking for some one special to be by my side. I live alone in my apartment on the outskirts of Larnaca. It is a city on the south east coast of Cyprus. In everyday life, I speak Greek. But I speak English well.
Seems the internet is the way to search for truthful relationship in todays world. Still communication is the key to learning about who another is on the inside which is the person. xxx, tell me things you enjoy doing, favorite colors, dreams, music, movies. write me about it now. I like darts, concerts, going to fairs festivals, going to the movies, amusement parks, going for walks. My favorite food is lasagna and I like a good beef steak called a T bone steak.
The message from with your email came as a surprise to me. I don't know how it works. I deleted my profile a long time ago. I also deleted my social media profile. I do not want to put my life on display to the whole world. I am who I am, and I don’t need to prove anything to others. I'm a calm woman. I've never had passion online... serious stuff. There is no reason to laugh at people who are looking for a serious relationship, a lot of people in the world are looking for the only one, still, of course it's difficult to find the right one.
I am sending you pics that were taken this summer in august. Do you like going to the beach?
I hope to continue talking to you. What did you do last weekend? I work as a volunteer on the weekend. My goal is to help people sometimes it is a very thankless job, but you get that one person that will say thank you!!! And that is worth everything. xxx, write a message now and send your pics.
Hello xxx,
How are you doing? I didn't see your message today. And I want to say that I was interested in receiving your message. Your message came as a surprise to me. But at the same time it's nice. It was cloudy in the morning and the mood was not very good. And now it's sunny here. And I decided to share positive emotions with you.
I hope my message makes you smile. I'll be looking forward to your message.