Der Vorgang 28568

Der erste Kontakt 28568

Anzahl der Mails: 7

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 7 -- Datensätze gefunden.
good Day)
Where do U live now?
What is your age?
Let's try to small talk;)
is it finest? I am alone shiny Chick born in Russia!
For now I'm trying to find magnificent dude, I'll reply to You my picture)
E-mail to me .
good luck!
Hello! It's great to receive your email today. I see you haven't
forgotten about me. I decided that this was a chance for us to meet
and get to know each other better. I noticed that you are a serious
and well-mannered man. It will be interesting to communicate with you!
I'm sure we can find common topics of conversation and get to know
each other better. Now I can tell you a little about myself. My name
is Ksenia. I'm 33 years old. What is your name? How old are you? I
want to say right away that I have serious intentions. I'm not just
looking for friendship. I hope this gives a little insight into what
kind of person I am. I will also send you my photo. If you like me and
want to get to know me further, I will be waiting for your response.
Hey! Today I came to see your answer. But you didn't answer me. It's
so strange because we agreed that we would communicate here. I hope
that everything is fine with you and that you will answer me today.
Hi, friend! I would like to ask you to answer my letters more often.
Your opinion and support are very important to me. I would be grateful
if you find time to answer. Thank you and I'm waiting for your answer!

Best wishes,
Hello! Hope you are fine! I would like to leave you a short message
and ask you to respond to me by email. Please check your spam folder
as my messages may sometimes end up there. I shall wait for your

Best wishes, Ksenia.

I just wanted to write that I am really looking forward to your
response to my email. I hope you find the time to respond. We agreed
that we would talk here, but you just disappeared and stopped
answering me. I don't know what to think anymore. I hope I still see
your answer.

Best wishes, Ksenia.
Hello! I hope you are OK. I understand that we all have busy periods
and times of difficulty, so I am not assuming anything. However, I am
a little concerned that you are not responding to my emails. I hope
that you are doing well and that some circumstances just arose that
prevented you from answering. If you have any problems or questions,
please let me know. I am always ready to listen and support you. I
shall wait for your answer!!

Best wishes,