Der Vorgang 28598

Der erste Kontakt 28598

Anzahl der Mails: 7

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I am grateful for your response to my message. It's wonderful to hear from you!
To be frank, I am unsure where to begin this letter. My name is Angelica, and I come from Kherson, Ukraine. I spent my entire life there with my family, but due to the ongoing war and bombing by Russia, I had to leave my home country. The sound of bombs exploding was terrifying, and I was especially frightened when one of them hit a nearby house. I quickly gathered my documents and a few belongings before fleeing the country.
Currently, I am residing in Moldova, where my father held citizenship. His relatives who live here kindly helped me relocate to escape the war in Ukraine. I feel fortunate to be safe and sound.
The idea of meeting people online came to me unexpectedly. While enjoying tea with a friend at a cafe, she mentioned that online dating is increasingly popular. She met her Bulgarian husband on a dating site, and they are now living happily together. This serves as a prime example that love can be found online!
Honestly speaking, I am a reserved person, and I am unsure of what to express in this letter. I have never been intrigued by social media and have not registered on any platform.
It was my friend who suggested that I try using a matchmaking agency to find a partner. We went to a matchmaking agency named "Love is" located in Balti, my current city of residence. While scrolling through numerous profiles, I felt the urge to reach out to you.
This is my first experience with online relationships, and I'm unsure about how my information was obtained. However, I feel more comfortable communicating with you through this method.
During my visit to the agency, I shared some of my photos. If it weren't for my friend's encouragement, I wouldn't have dared to take this step. But now that we can converse, I feel more confident and secure.
Initially, I was unsure about what to say, but I decided to take a risk and write to you. I want to be transparent about what I'm searching for in a partner. I'm looking for a genuine connection based on love, honesty, and respect. Kindness, attentiveness, and empathy are vital qualities that I appreciate.
I believe that you have these qualities, and we might share a lot in common. I am eager to share more about myself so that we can get to know each other better.
Currently, I am residing in Moldova and I would like to tell you about the city of Balti, which is my hometown.
To clarify, I have never been married and do not have any children. Although I learned English at school, I haven't had much opportunity to practice, so my language skills may not be perfect. If you have any difficulty understanding me, please feel free to use a translator.
If you are curious about my physical appearance, you can take a look at my photo. I am 171 cm tall and weigh 59 kg. Additionally, I have a wide range of interests and a good sense of humor that I hope to share with you in the future.
My date of birth is October 16, 1986, which makes me a Libra according to the zodiac sign. What is your star sign?
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I am interested in learning more about your life, your interests, and your country of residence.
If you're interested in getting to know me better, please feel free to send me your letters and photos. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards, Angelica.
How are you doing today?
This is Angelica once again!
I was eagerly anticipating your letter today.
I had a strong belief that you would write to me.First of all, I want to reply to your letter. I like your photo, you are an attractive man!
In my last message, I informed you that I had to depart from Ukraine due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. They were bombing our cities, and it was not safe for me to stay, so I relocated to Moldova to live with my father's relatives.
As you are aware, I am 37 years old and prioritize a healthy lifestyle.
Last night, I was hoping to receive a letter from you. However, I am currently without a computer since I had to sell it and my phone to fund my journey to Moldova, where I could be safe and avoid harm.
I plan to purchase a new laptop once I receive my salary from work.
Currently, I am at work, which is a convenient place for me to correspond with you.
I hope that this won't hinder our acquaintance, and we will be able to find ways to continue our dialogue. As I mentioned in my previous letter, I don't have access to social media sites from my work computer, and I am not active on social media anyway.
Let me tell you about my work. I work every day except for Sundays, which is my only day off. Despite having just one day off, I am a hardworking person and manage just fine. Unfortunately, I cannot check for your letters on Sundays.
I start working at 9:00 AM and finish at 6:00 PM.
In Ukraine, I worked as an accountant and due to my hard work and dedication, I had no trouble finding a new well-paying job in Moldova as an accountant. Currently, I work in a private building company, where my responsibilities include managing financial reports, expenses, income, taxes, and payments to employees. I enjoy my work, and I spend a lot of time working on a computer.
I have a higher education degree and graduated from the Economics faculty.
As you already know, I live in the city of Balti, which is located approximately 135 kilometers away from the capital of Moldova, Chisinau. You can find more information about my city on the internet.
Have you ever visited Moldova before? When I decided to use the dating agency, I looked at several men's profiles, but I only wrote a letter to you. It's hard for me to explain why I chose you because this is my first time using an agency like this. Perhaps my heart told me to write to you. I believe in trusting my heart, and it's important to me that a man is kind, sympathetic, and knows how to treat a woman.
Age is not important to me.
What matters most is how a person feels in their heart.
I want to ask you about sincerity and respect because I hope that our communication is based on trust.
We have just met, and I hope that trust will develop between us in the future. I may be able to give you my mobile phone number later, but for now, I want to get to know you better before we start making expensive calls.
I value cleanliness and always try to keep myself tidy and presentable. I'm interested in learning more about your life, and please don't forget to answer my questions. What do you do in your free time? Do you enjoy cooking? I have sent you some photos and would be happy to receive some from you in your next letter.
I have to continue working now, but thank you for your attention. If you use Skype, let me know, as I plan to buy a new laptop soon and install Skype. I've never used it before, but I know that many people find it convenient to communicate and see each other in real-time. I hope my letter wasn't boring for you, and I wish you a wonderful and sunny day.
Sincerely, Angelica .
Hello there xxx !
I want to express my gratitude for your response to my letter. It's great to hear from you!
To be honest, I don't quite know where to begin this correspondence. My name is Angelica, and I was born and raised in Kherson, Ukraine. Throughout my life, I lived there with my family. However, the ongoing war and bombing by Russia forced me to leave my home country. The sound of bombs exploding was terrifying, and I felt even more frightened when one of them hit a house close by. I hastily grabbed my documents and a few belongings before fleeing the country.
Currently, I am staying in Moldova, where my father held citizenship. His relatives who live here helped me relocate to escape the war in Ukraine. I am fortunate to be safe and sound.
The idea of meeting people online came to me unexpectedly. While having tea with a friend at a cafe, she mentioned that online dating is becoming increasingly popular. She met her husband from Bulgaria on a dating site, and they are now living happily together. It's an excellent example that love can be found online!
To be honest, I'm quite reserved, and I'm not entirely sure what to say in this letter. I've never had any interest in social media and haven't created an account on any platform.
It was my friend who suggested that I try using a matchmaking agency to meet someone. We visited a matchmaking agency called "Love is" in Balti, where I currently live, and while looking at several profiles, I felt compelled to write to you.
This is my first time trying an online relationship, and I'm not entirely sure how they obtained my information. However, I feel more comfortable communicating with you this way.
I visited the agency once and provided some photos of myself. Without my friend's encouragement, I wouldn't have had the courage to take this step. But now that we're talking, I feel more at ease and secure.
At first, I wasn't sure what to say, but I decided to take a chance and reach out. I want to be clear about what I'm looking for in a partner. I'm searching for a genuine connection based on love, honesty, and respect. Kindness, attentiveness, and empathy are all important qualities that I value.
I think you have these qualities, and we might have a lot in common. I'd love to share more about myself so we can learn more about each other.
At present, I am situated in Moldova, and I wish to share with you some details about my hometown, Balti.
To clarify, I have never been married nor have any children. I hope that my English language proficiency is clear to you, although I must admit that I have not had many opportunities to practice. If you find any difficulty in understanding me, please do not hesitate to use a translator.
If you wish to know what I look like, my photo can provide some insight. I am 171 cm in height and weigh 59 kg. Furthermore, I have numerous hobbies and a good sense of humor, which I hope to express to you in due course.
As for my birthday, it falls on October 16, 1986, making me a Libra according to the zodiac sign. What is your astrological sign?
If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'm curious about your life, your interests, and your country, and I'd love to learn more.
If you're interested in communicating further, please send me your letters and photos. I'm eager to hear from you soon.
Best regards, Angelica.
Hello! I'm eagerly waiting for your response, hoping that you received and read my previous letter. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Best regards, Angelica.
I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to express my concern that some of my previous emails may have been mistakenly identified as spam and ended up in your spam folder, because today I checked my mail and found your letter in the spam folder. I do not know for what reason it got there. As you're aware, while spam filters are great at keeping unwanted emails out of your inbox, they can also filter out legitimate emails.
To prevent any future miscommunication, could you please check your spam folder regularly and mark any emails from me as "not spam" if you find them there? This will help ensure that we can continue communicating effectively without any of our messages being missed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with you. Angelica
Dear xxx,
I hope this message finds you well and brings joy to your day. I'm writing to you with a bit of concern as I'm worried that some of my previous emails may have accidentally ended up in your spam folder. Upon reviewing my mail, I came across your letter in the spam folder, and I don't know how it got there. This discovery made me concerned that you may have missed some of my previous messages.
I know that spam filters are efficient in blocking unwanted messages, but sometimes they mistakenly filter out important emails. Hence, I kindly ask you to check your spam folder regularly and mark any emails from me as "not spam" if you find them there. This will ensure that we continue to communicate effectively and that we don't miss any essential messages from each other.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I value our friendship, and our communication is important to me. I'm looking forward to staying in touch with you and sharing more exciting moments together.
Warmest regards, Angelica
Hey xxx ! how's it going? I hope you're doing well! I don't want to take up too much of your time, but I just wanted to say hi and send my best wishes, as well as express my enthusiasm for your reply! I'm feeling a bit bored without your messages! Your Angelica