Der Vorgang 28603

Der erste Kontakt 28603

Anzahl der Mails: 6

Es wurden insgesamt -- 6 -- Datensätze gefunden.
goodly Mister adroit!
Where do You live now? hope u're valuable! I hope you can talk, What's your age?
I am neat girlfiend in Russian Federation) Currently I am look up modern buddy,
it's Email for response is: )
I'm going to reply to You my picture)
Hello, Jan!! I hope you are well. I can write to you a little, and after that, I hope we will continue. I already told you that I live in Russia. In a small town called Znamensk. I'm looking for a serious relationship. Tired of loneliness, lies and deception in relationships. I want something real and sincere. I work in a school with children with disabilities and teach several classes. If you're interested, we could continue. I'll attach a couple of my photos and wait patiently for a response. Your friend Elena.
Yesterday I wrote to you, but I still haven’t received an answer. Are you not interested in me or maybe you don’t like me? I hope that no matter what happens, you will answer and tell me the reason for the silence. Elena.
I didn't receive a response from you today. You must have had a busy weekend. I'll wait for the letter. I would like to get to know you better, to get to know you. If you are not interested, please tell me right away. But I still hope you were just busy. Elena, I'm waiting.
I hope everything is fine with you and you're just busy. I'm waiting and waiting for an answer, I hope I'll wait.... Elena.
If you are not interested in me or if you don’t like my photos, I could tell you so directly! Why just remain silent.... this doesn’t seem like a man’s act to me... if you don’t answer again, then I will understand and won’t bother you. Elena.