Der Vorgang 28615

Der erste Kontakt 28615

Anzahl der Mails: 17

Es wurden insgesamt -- 17 -- Datensätze gefunden.
xxx, Hello there,
Thanks for your reply.
I couldn't believe when I received a message from you.
Sorry for the delay. I don't often check this email.
Accidentally, I decided to check my mailbox and was happily
surprised to see your letter.
I usually use this mailbox to send letters to my friends.
I'm interested in getting to know you better.
I'm sure there are lots of interesting things we can discover about each other.
I promised to send you my photo, and here it is.
I'll share more about myself in my next message.
Looking forward to your reply.
So, I hope you forgive,
and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Have a wonderful day!
P.S. If you enjoyed my picture and are interested,
please shoot me an email soon.

I promised I am going to tell you more about myself now.
I am 28 years old.
I have never been married and I have no children.
My height is 5.4(166cm) and my weigh is 110(51kg).
You can have an impression about it from my picture.
I work as a shop-assistant and do sell clothes for women
(skirts, trousers, blouses ).
I live in Kyrgyzstan in Tala-Bulak village.
You can find my country on the map.
This is in Central Asia and our capital is Bishkek.
But somewhere I am going to get a student visa and
I am going to come to your country.
I thought a lot about it and had come to such decision.
I do really want to move to a more stable country.
The life is very complicated here. I know it will not be easy
in a foreign country. But I am sure I can do much more
in your country. I am a hard-working person and I am not afraid
of difficulties, so with the opportunities that your country
gives I can do more than I do here.
I already have some experience living and working in a foreign
country. Some years ago I worked in Australia and I should say
I liked it very much. So I know what is waiting for me and I
don’t want to waste time.
Living in Australia I had relations with a man. But I had to
go back to my country as my visa was over. He didn’t want to
wait for me any longer. It was too difficult for him. It was
a very hard period for me but I could handle it. I tried to
have correspondence with foreigners. But as soon as they
get to know I was from Kyrgyzstan they disappeared.
They thought I was a scammer. I hope that you are
not scared that I am from Kyrgyzstan.
I want you to understand, I am not a scammer.
I don’t need money from you. I heard much about it and
I really feel sorry for women who are true and want to find
their happiness. All this is so wrong as there are so many
people who really want to find their friends or second halves.
And internet is a very good opportunity for this.
I hope that you like my pictures. I am not a model, of course.
I am just an average Kyrgyz girl who is truly seeking friends
or more...
I hope that you are interested in me and I will hear back from
you. And perhaps, in the future we will have an opportunity to
meet. We will be good friends or maybe we have a relationship.
Well, I hope that now you understand me better and I will be
waiting impatiently for your reply.
Have a nice day!

I'll tell you a little bit more about myself in this letter.
I already wrote to you that my name - Nurzada.
But you can call me - Angel. It's my nickname.
All my friends call me such way...
What is your real name?
My phone number - +996550737716. But I'm not sure you can call me,
because this is a Kyrgyzstan number,
and I can receive calls only from Kyrgyzstan.
I live in an little apartment, unfortunately I do not have a computer.
So I write to you all the letters of the Internet cafe.
I have already written to you that I was going to move to your
country. I get a student visa. I shall receive it approximately
in a 1 month. I can work and learn. So I will be able to support
themselves with money to live and study. So I can be independent from
anyone. We could see with you at leisure. And cheerfully to spend this
time. I have already written to you that I lived in Australia when I was
18 years old. I lived there for about six years. So I am very fluent
in English and writing. I loved living there. But I had to leave.
Because my visa was over. I had a relationship with a man there,
but he did not want to live any longer with me, so I did not renew
the visa because of it and returned to Kyrgyzstan. I do not like to
recollect. Probably I shall tell you more about it when I learn you
more. Therefore do not remind me of it and do not ask me about it.
I think it was my fault, because life in Kyrgyzstan is very difficult.
This is a very corrupt country. And with our President Japarov, we have
no democracy here. It is very difficult to get a job. But I hope that
in a month I will have a visa to your country. so we will be able to
communicate and meet with you not only through letters. Because it's
always nice to meet new friends. I do not know whether the relationship
between us, but I always wanted to be your friend.
I have a few questions for you.
Now you have a relationship with a girl? When was your last
relationship? And why did you break up?
what attitudes you would like to find through Internet?
I look forward to your reply.
P.S. I have attached my pics. Do you like?

I hope you got my last letter with my home address?
Do you like my pics?
I have friend Vika. She is close friend. She makes all my pics.
She likes to photographe me. It's her hobby. I like to pose her.
I decided to come to the Internet cafe again to write you.
I already spoke you - I shall arrive to you in a month.
I still choose college in which I shall go to study.
I shall inform you the name when I shall know.
I shall know all the information in a week.
I am going from the post office. I decided to send my parents
a letter. As I already told you I am not really in good relations
with them. But any way, they are my parents and I love them.
I also have a brother and he is younger than me and they give him
all the love they have. They always loved him more than me and didn’t
pay much attention to me. My mum wanted to have a son very much and
she couldn’t get pregnant for a long time and she was very happy
when she got to know she was going to have a son. Of course,
it hurts to know that they love him a lot and are not very
interested in my life. But if they are happy, I am glad for them.
My last relations were 2 years ago. Unfortunately, it didn’t
work out as he was too busy spending good time with his friends
all the time and he almost paid no attention to me. I was just
like a beautiful thing for him and nothing more. Since that time
I had no relations with other men.
You know that I write from the internet cafe.
I have to go now. People are coming and coming to the internet
cafe and you know my time is limited (15min). Internet cafe is a
place where everyone can come and use a computer there. We have to
pay for such a service. It is not a library where you can use
computers free of charge. When I lived in Australia I often
went to the library and could use computer there as long as
I needed. But here the time is limited as there are too many
people who need to use them. Please, tell me about your family.
What relations do you have with them?
P.S. I asked you in my previous letter to send me your address.
I want to send you a card and my picture. Or perhaps, I will
send you a hand written letter.

I still have no letters from you at all?
I can not understand one thing, are you real some busy
or do you only looking the way to not write letters to me?
Am I interesting for you at all?
What happened to you?
And what is your real name? Why you have not answered?
In one of the last letters I asked for the answer to my
question about your name. Why you have not answered? –
What is your real name? or nick name?

Sorry for not writing to you for a long time.
I am not really in a good spirit today.
I had a very bad conflict at work. Some people here in
Kyrgyzstan think that if they have lots of money they can do and
Say everything they want. I had a conflict with one very rich
Woman at work. She didn’t like the quality of the clothes.
And was so rude with me. But I am just a shop-assistant.
I am not the owner and I just sell things.
Sometimes I feel that I am very tired from my life in Kyrgyzstan.
I have nothing. I rent a very small apartment and can’t afford
anything better. I get a very small salary and prices increase
here every year. But salaries are still the same. I was shocked
when I get to the store to buy some food yesterday. They
increased prices again for milk products. Milk costs about
one Euro which is too much. For-example, my salary is
10000 kyrgyz som (KGS) a month.
That's about 120 EURO, so you understand how small it is.
And a half of it I pay for the apartment.
And what is left I spend for food.
Therefore I wish to leave to live in other country.
Therefore I save money for a trip.
I am just tired from a hard life here. And I want to move to
a foreign country. I want to get another education, to find
a good job there. That is why I am trying to get a student visa.
I shall study and work. I shall work to pay training and my life there.
I haven't decided yet what University I am going to come to.
I am still searching information. I would like it to be close to
you. I am doing the paperwork now. And as they told me my
visa would be ready in a month. But I don't know
the exact dates. It is just the way things are done here. As soon
as I know everything, I will let you know.
I want to have a more stable life for me and my future family.
And what is more important I want have a strong man near me
and to have a comfortable life for us. So I am trying to save
money any way I can for my trip and studies.
Please, forgive me for writing this to you. But I need to talk
to you. It is sometimes so hard to be just by myself. And
sometimes I need a strong shoulder and a friend to cry and to
get an advice.
I know that you are a very understanding person. So, please,
try to understand me. You are my friend and I trust you.
Now I shall go to a bathroom. I like to lay in bathing with foam.
It would be great to take a bath together. It is very
relaxing. And I think it is rather romantic.
You want it with me?
Please, let me know what you think of this.
Write me your thoughts and your dreams.
Write a replay to me. Your letter will make me glad.
I will wait with hope.

xxx, Do you like my joke foto?
In the first lines of this message I want to apologise for
complaining in my previous letter.
I don’t really want to complain and I don’t want to talk about it.
This was the first and the last time I did it.
I was just in a very bad spiring while writing my last letter
to you.
Sometimes we have bad periods in life and we need a strong shoulder
of a friend. I hope that you let me think you are my friend. And
I trust you that is why I decided to share my thoughts with you.
If you ever need to talk and if you ever need a friend, you can
always talk to me...
I have been thinking a lot about our meeting and I want to
meet with you a lot.
I am doing all the paperwork now to get a student visa. And
I do hope to get it. So if I get it I will be in your country.
and I think it is really a very good opportunity for
us to meet.
Please, tell me do you really want to see me? Do you want me
to visit you? Do you think that we could like each other and be
together in the future? Please, be honest with me and tell me
the truth.
I know that you are being tired with this question. But you
should understand my concerns. This is a very major decision to
move to the other country.
Perhaps, you wonder why I have such a big desire to move from
here. The reason is very simple. I have nobody and nothing to
stay here. I will miss my friends, but they already have their
families and they live with their own lives. I have parents but
you know we are not in good relations with them. And I think
they will not miss me.
I have no good job, have no stability. I have no family. It is
very hard to live in Kyrgyzstan and I don’t think it will ever be
better. And I am really tired from this life. That’s why I have
such a strong desire to get a student visa, to come there, to
get a new education, to settle down and already to have a family.
I hope that you understand me and that you support me in my decision.
Please, don’t be offended if I don’t always answer your questions.
I do it because my time in the internet cafe is limited. I don’t
always answer your questions because I am in a rush when I
answer your letters. I come here 3 times a week and have
only 15 minutes to write to you.
I wait your answer on my questions...

xxx, Do you like my joke foto?
In the first lines of this message I want to apologise for
complaining in my previous letter.
I don’t really want to complain and I don’t want to talk about it.
This was the first and the last time I did it.
I was just in a very bad spiring while writing my last letter
to you.
Sometimes we have bad periods in life and we need a strong shoulder
of a friend. I hope that you let me think you are my friend. And
I trust you that is why I decided to share my thoughts with you.
If you ever need to talk and if you ever need a friend, you can
always talk to me...
I have been thinking a lot about our meeting and I want to
meet with you a lot.
I am doing all the paperwork now to get a student visa. And
I do hope to get it. So if I get it I will be in your country.
and I think it is really a very good opportunity for
us to meet.
Please, tell me do you really want to see me? Do you want me
to visit you? Do you think that we could like each other and be
together in the future? Please, be honest with me and tell me
the truth.
I know that you are being tired with this question. But you
should understand my concerns. This is a very major decision to
move to the other country.
Perhaps, you wonder why I have such a big desire to move from
here. The reason is very simple. I have nobody and nothing to
stay here. I will miss my friends, but they already have their
families and they live with their own lives. I have parents but
you know we are not in good relations with them. And I think
they will not miss me.
I have no good job, have no stability. I have no family. It is
very hard to live in Kyrgyzstan and I don’t think it will ever be
better. And I am really tired from this life. That’s why I have
such a strong desire to get a student visa, to come there, to
get a new education, to settle down and already to have a family.
I hope that you understand me and that you support me in my decision.
Please, don’t be offended if I don’t always answer your questions.
I do it because my time in the internet cafe is limited. I don’t
always answer your questions because I am in a rush when I
answer your letters. I come here 3 times a week and have
only 15 minutes to write to you.
I wait your answer on my questions...

Have I already told you my nick name?
This is an Angel. You can call me too!
Today I am writting to you why I am alone. I am so tired that
males sees on me as on beautiful pic only but not on woman.
I think that we have much in common and may be if meet we
will understand that we are a good match.
I am trying to get more information about the student visa
and I am doing a paperwork that is neccesary for it. There are
so many things that I should do for this but I think it is worth it.
I am going to come to your country. I am sure I will get my visa.
And I want to know will you meet me there? You are my friend
and you are a very close person to me already. And I like you
very much. I feel that there is something between us.
I hope you too have the same feelings. Of course, I can’t say
that I know you very well. But I feel that you are close to me.
I wish to know you better. I wonder how it can be to spend
time with you, to be with you, to cook together, to have dinner
together, to watch movies, to walk holding hands.
Letters are good, they help to understand people better. But
only meeting can show the real feelings. When you can touch, look
into each other’s eyes, it says a lot.
Please, tell me what you think of this. Would you like to meet me?
Any way you can be my friend. I will be in a foreign country and
I will need a person I can trust. And I trust you already and
I hope you do the same.
Please, think on this and let me know if you too want to meet
with me. I want it very much. I want to see you in real life,
to talk to you, to know you real but not only through the letters.
I think, I can trust you?
I already wrote to you, that all my pics is done by my friend Vika.
She says I have a beautiful body.
She is a very talanted photographer and I like to be her model.
She is my friend and is a very good girl. She usually takes pics
of me. We went to work together.
She works close to my place. She is a shop-assistant too.
Also today she has made 2 pics me and my passport.
I shall attach to you it in the following letter.
I will go now to get more information about visa.
I am going to get very important information.
I hope to hear good news.
I shall have information approximately in half an hour.

I have all the information about my visa now. And I will get
it without any problems. It will be so great to come to your
country at last and to see you. I even can’t believe this
could happen some day! Yes, perhaps, I act like a silly girl.
But I already dream of our meeting. I try to imagine how this
could be. How I will touch your hand, look into your eyes.
So now I have to do is to show them all the papers and to
pay for it.
But here I have one problem. I tried to save money. But I didn’t
expect I would have to pay for visa so soon. I thought it would
be later. So I don’t have enough money right now.
And I need your help in this if you really want to meet me.
This is 300 usa dollars,
so you better understand how much it is in currency.
It will include medical insurance and everything that should
be there. Perhaps, you think why it is so expensive. Well,
sum of money includes visa, insurance, medical certificate
and many other papers.
I already have got my passport for going abroad. I have already
made it and have paid for it. But I didn’t think that they would
give visa so soon. And if I don’t pay for it now, I could have
problems in the future with getting visa. And I don’t want to
miss this chance. To prove you that I am real and I don’t lie
to you, I am going to attach you a copy of my passport.
So all I need to do now is to pay for visa. And then everything
will be done and all we have to do is wait for the time it is
issued. I have only 7-10 to pay for it and I will get it
without any problems.
This visa allows me to stay in your country.
I also plan to work there while I study. I don't want
to depend on any one. I will return back your 300$.
I am asking it to borrow. I will work and return back it.
I promise!!! The agency told me that in order to get a visa,
I must open 2 accounts, in dollars and in euros.
Also make a plastic card.
These are the conditions for obtaining a visa.
Please lend me 300 dollars or 300 euros to these accounts
or my plastic card. I think it's not difficult.
Here are my account details:
Account details in dollars -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090256000118742
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
Account details in euros -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090266000116706
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
I also attached a photo of my plastic card.
There you can see the card number to which you need to send money.
Also I have a Bitcoin wallet - bc1qm5aklj6f72uv5es3vsjulethmp2lm5axwk44fw
Please, understand my problem and send me 300 dollars.
I have attached a photo of the Qr-Code from my wallet.
You can easily send money to him or my wallet number.
You can buy bitcoins in two of the most popular online stores - or
If you haven't used bitcoins, then don't worry.
It is safe, legal and very fast.
In 5-10 minutes your money will come to my wallet account.
Please help me. I promise I will return all your money.
I'll be working when I come to you. You won't have to pay
extra money for me. You will never regret helping me.
I will make you the happiest man in life!
Just help me and send 300 dollars or 300 euros to
my any account or card or bitcoin wallet.
So, please, let me know if you can help me in this.

I do not know what to start my letter...
I feel shame and offended.
I just want to tell you that I am completely serious.
I have serious intentions to come and I am not going to lie to
you. I am not a silly little girl that plays games to get money.
Can’t you see it from my letters?
I asked you to send me 300. And I feel shame for this.
But I had no other choice then to ask you. The problem is that
I have only 7-10 days to pay for my visa. I didn’t realize
I would Need the money so urgently. They took my papers and told
me that I wouldn’t pay in 7-10 days, they would just refuse me.
And then I will not have another chance to get visa.
It was a shock for me. I thought that I could just leave the
papers and then pay for it before the trip. I think I would be
able to find the money by that time. But it was beyond my forces.
I was shocked.
I went to all my friends and acquaintances.
But all refused to me.
They don’t give such a big sum of money.
I don’t ask my parents as they just don’t give me money.
When the last time I asked them to help me, they refused me.
They told me they had to support my brother and themselves.
It hurt me. That is why I do not ask them about anything any
more and I almost don’t talk to them.
I asked my friend Vika to help me, but she had not such money.
She is married and has a child. And recently they have bought
an apartment and took it in credit.
I also went to the bank to check there. But they even didn’t listen
to me. My salary is only 120 Euro. And they just can’t give me 300.
I had tears. That is why I decided to ask you. And I feel shame for
this. I understand that it is very difficult for you to trust the
girl you have never seen before. Lots of women lied to foreigners.
But I am not the same. I am real. And I am not going to lie to you!
I promise! I ask you this money not as A present to me, I am going
to give them back to you. As soon as I come there and start working
I will give you money back. I told you I was going to study and to
work. I will be able to pay for my studies and for my accommodation.
I already told you I was going to get a student visa.
I will be able to come to your country and to choose any university
or college. I can stay there as soon as I finish it. I am going to
choose the one that is close to you to be able to see you often.
I ask you one more time, please, understand me and send me 300.

I already wrote to you-
I want you to understand one thing. I really like you, I am
interested in you but not your money. I feel sorry you had a
negative experience. But don’t judge before you know the truth.
Not all women are the same.
This is another letter today for you.
I wish to tell, that you did not worry for tickets.
I need about 600 USD to buy tickets. But I don't need it now.
I will need to buy the ticket when I shall receive the visa.
I will try to find money by this time. I understand what you think
now. If I can't find 300 USD then how could I find 600 USD.
It is easy. I am going to sell my fur coat. It is a very expensive fur
and I can sell it for 600-800 USD. I have already made an
advertisement of sale. But I may not be able to sell it for some
days. If I do not do it now, then they could just refuse me in it.
Don't worry! I will have money for the ticket. I promise you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just help me with the visa and send me 300 dollars.
I don’t know what else to say for you to send me money
as soon as possible as my time is limited.
Next time they will just refuse me in visa. I wrote you all
the truth in this letter. I am sincere and open with you.
I hope that you will understand me and decide to meet with me.
Please, believe me and send me 300 USD.
And please, remember that I have only 7-10 days to pay for it.
Here are my account details:
Account details in dollars -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090256000118742
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
Account details in euros -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090266000116706
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
I also attached a photo of my plastic card.
There you can see the card number to which you need to send money.
or you can use my bitcoin wallet. and send money there.
Hope you know what it is? This is electronic money.
This is very convenient, because you almost never
have to pay to transfer money to me.
It won't cost you more than a dollar.
If you do not have your wallet,
then you can register yours here -
You only need to install it on your computer or smartphone.
There you can buy and send money to me.
I remind you that I only need $300.
I have attached my wallet qr-code. You can also send money through it.
I remind you once again that my wallet -
Another way is to send bitcoins through an ATM.
You can find the one closest to you on the sites -
there you can send cash or credit card.

I do not lie to you... I am open and sincere with you.
I don’t know what to do, no one from my relatives or friends can give
me these money. I am in a hopeless situation. I can rely only on you.
Perhaps, if you don’t have the money, you can ask someone of
your friends or relatives? I ask you for for help but not to make
me a present. I will give the money back any way. Tell your friends
and relatives that I guarantee to give the money back. I tell you
once again I am going to work and to study in your country so
I will give the money back any way. Please, just believe me and
send me it. I need only 300 USD.
I will give you the money back as soon as I come to your place.
Next week they can just officially refuse me in visa.
Please, understand that everything is ready there and I need just
to pay for it. I will come to your place by all means if I pay
300 now. All the paperwork is done. The problem is only money.
It took me much forces to make all the paperwork for visa.
I had to visit all doctors to get a medical certificate.
It is one of the conditions of your government to allow people
only who are not sick. I am healthy. And there were many other
papers and it took me much forces and time to get all. And now
when there is only one step left, I am in the corner. I don’t
know who else to ask if not you.
Everything is in you hands now. I hope you will do it soon and
send me money.
I may not have any other chance to get visa. I hope you will
believe me. And I want you to know that I am sincere with you!
I hope I will touch your heart and you will have feelings to
me. I hope you will help me.
I’ve got up today with the thoughts about you and it is such
a happiness to know that I have a close person in my life and
I hope you feel the same about me.
My friends are really very good people. Perhaps, their life is
not really good and comfortable as you know the situation in
Kyrgyzstan. I already told you about this several times.
Salaries are too small here. And many people have to save every
rouble to buy a washing machine or a fridge.
And my friends too have such difficulties.
But I am proud of them. They overcome all the difficulties together.
This is what I want to. I want to be together in joy and sorrows,
even if the life is not really comfortable, help each other,
understand each other.
I think that every person needs such a place where he feels
comfortable and safe. Especially, it is important for a woman.
We now have to be strong. Enjoy your day and think of me.
I pray that you have believed to me and have helped me.

May be pic which I add today prove to you that I am real.
I made it yesterday to prove to you that I am real.
Hope you remember my nick name? (Angel). I have written
about it in my second letter to you. My friends call me Angel.
I think that you have concerns about me real.
I hope you understand my situation?
If I would not pay for visa I would give up. Then it will be
very difficult To get it. Please understand 300 is a price of all
documents. This is not price of visa only! This is full amount
of all documents! It is price of visa, insurance and many others.
I must pay for it in different places therefore I am asking you to
send money help to me. I have already sent all documents to
Bishkek. And now they demand the receipt on payment.
They still wait payment. I have agreed they some more days will
wait it. Understand I have already collected and given all documents.
And I must pay for it only. And I would get a visa. I hope you understand
my haste. I will give you your money back! I promise!!!! I will study
and work in your country and will give you the money back. I just want
happiness. And I want it to be with you. I have only good goals.
I hope that you will understand and help me.
I do not lie to you. Please, understand that I am real!
Did you receive an email with a photo with a piece of
paper where I proved to you that I am real!?
Now do you believe me? I WILL NEVER DECEIVE YOU!
But I have one request for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I already wrote to you in previous letters that a year ago
I corresponded with a man from India. And he constantly asked
me for naked photos! I have only one request to you!
I am not going to send naked pics! Please, understand that
I write you from you letters not from home but from the Internet
cafe! There are many people here who could see my my pictures
and I just don't want it. I trust you! But I do not trust the
Internet. Please, don't ask me what I can't do.
I sent you a copy of my passport in my last letter.
According to this passport, I registered my personal
bank account, my plastic card and my bitcoin wallet.
I wouldn't be allowed to register it if I wasn't real!
The problem is that I have no time to wait. I have only
7 days for this.
Please, understand that next time they may not even take the
documents for visa, if they refuse me now. And they will
refuse me in this if I do not pay in time. They will just tell
me what for I try to get visa for the second time if you have
no money. So I am just in hopeless situation.
All my thoughts are about one thing now. Then I may not have
such a chance again. Your goverment has a limited amount
of student visas. And if I miss my chance now, i may not have
such a chance again in the future. It is impossible to get
another kind of visa. NO one will give me a tourist visa.
It is impossible for a single Kyrgyz lady to get it. I asked
about the work visa. It is a very difficult process. And also
more expensive one. I don't have a diploma about high education
in your country. And the Kyrgyz one is not valid in your
country. The Fiancee visa is a very long process and complicated
process. It will take about half a year to make all the paperwork
and if they don't see that we do love each other truly they
will just refuse in the Embassy.
I want to repeat. please, understand - I ask you to lend me
money. I understand it is too expensive for a preset.
I understand that 300USD is a big some of money in your country.
I don't believe in miracles as I was disappointed many times
in this life. You will not loose this money. I will come to
your place and will work there. And as soon as I earn I will
give you money back.
I’ve been thinking a lot about us yesterday.
My heart aches when I understand that you are far from me.
I wish I could lessen the distance between us. I know that
I have to be patient and wait.
Perhaps, you will think that I am silly but I don’t want to
hold it all inside and I want to share my feelings with you.
I am emotional person and I want you to see my feelings.
Please, understand me. I want to share this with you.
I have so many emotions about you and I miss you so much.
I think about you all the time.
I get up with the thoughts about you and I go to bed thinking
of you too.
I feel that I want to take care of you, I want to give you all me.
Please, don’t think I am weird. But this is what I feel about
you. And I want you to know this.
Life goes one. Nothing new happens. I go to work, do different
things at home, meet my friends. But any way I do something
I think of you.
Please, tell me what you think and feel about me. It is really
very important for me and I need to know this.
Here are my account details:
Account details in dollars -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090256000118742
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
Account details in euros -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090266000116706
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
I also attached a photo of my plastic card.
There you can see the card number to which you need to send money.
or you can use my bitcoin wallet. and send money there.
Hope you know what it is? This is electronic money.
This is very convenient, because you almost never
have to pay to transfer money to me.
It won't cost you more than a dollar.
If you do not have your wallet,
then you can register yours here -
You only need to install it on your computer or smartphone.
There you can buy and send money to me.
I remind you that I only need $300.
I have attached my wallet qr-code. You can also send money through it.
I remind you once again that my wallet -
Another way is to send bitcoins through an ATM.
You can find the one closest to you on the sites -
there you can send cash or credit card.

I want you to believe in my serious intentions.
I really want you to trust me 100 percent. Because
I don't have anyone in your country who can help
me. And I really need your help with the visa.
I will take a very serious step. Believe it is
not easy for me. But I decided to send you naked
photos. LITTLE!!!
I'll take a camera from a friend Vika, and I'll do
it myself, just for you. Because I don't want my
friends to know that I sent you naked photos.
I'm very embarrassed.
But I also have conditions that you must promise
and fulfill.
1 - Only you can see my naked photos. Only you!
2 - you must promise to send me money for a visa
when I send you naked photos! you have to give a
"PROMISE OF A TRUE GENTLEMAN" , because it is not
an easy step for me. I'm afraid to send naked photos
through the Internet !!! Do you promise? I promise
you I will get a visa and come to you!
3 - Also, you will not be asked to send new or other
naked photos, because it is very difficult. I wrote
to you that I send you all the photos through a scanner
in an Internet cafe. And I'm afraid that someone will see it.
4 - I will not show you my face in these photos, because as
already written to you, it can be seen on the Internet cafe.
I'm afraid of condemnation here. I don't want them to laugh
at me. The main thing is that you can see my naked body.
And you can appreciate it.
I think you can still enjoy my naked body when I come to you.
But I can't come if I don't pay my visa. if you agree with
all my conditions, then in the next letter I will send you
naked photos.

Here are my naked photos, as I promised you.
I hope you keep your promise and send money for a visa.
Hurry up, please. I must pay the visa as soon as possible.
I hope you are TRUE GENTLEMAN.
And you don't leave the lady in trouble.
Today I was at the bank. I wanted to get a loan, but they refused me.
They said they don't give money to people who leave the country forever.
Therefore, you are my last hope. PLEASE HELP!
Please send me 300 dollars.
The bank said that in addition to bitcoins or bank account,
you can overeat money to me through international payment systems -
MoneyGram, KoronaPay, RIA.
These are very popular systems in the world and one of them is sure to be close to you.
Choose love and cheap so as not to spend a lot of extra money and send money to
my full name - Nurzada Khasanova.
Nurzada - my name.
Khasanova - my last name.
You can send it to the capital - Bishkek, the country of Kyrgyzstan.
You may need my home address, which I already sent you.
If you didn't save it, I'm sending again -
Number apartment: - 2,
Name street - Omor Ata 5,
Region (state) - Chui,
Zip code - 721327,
Country - Kyrgyzstan.
If you need my phone number: +996550737716.
But I have already written to you that I don't have a phone at home
but yes I have a cell phone. This is my cell phone number.
But I can't make calls to you and to receive calls from you.
Because my phone here does not allow to call in other countries.
You can also send money from the comfort of your home (online).
Just go to their websites -
There you will find all the instructions on how to send money online.
Or you can find the nearest office to you,
through which you can send money to me.
The websites say they accept cash and credit cards.
Here are my account details:
Account details in dollars -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090256000118742
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
Account details in euros -
Bank name: Optima Bank OJSC.
Bank address: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraimova Street 24.
My name: Nurzada Khasanova.
Beneficiary's account: 1090266000116706
My address: apt- 2, str. Omor Ata 5, Taldy-Bulak, Chui,
721327, Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic).
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date).
I also attached a photo of my plastic card.
There you can see the card number to which you need to send money.
or you can use my bitcoin wallet. and send money there.
Hope you know what it is? This is electronic money.
This is very convenient, because you almost never
have to pay to transfer money to me.
It won't cost you more than a dollar.
If you do not have your wallet,
then you can register yours here -
You only need to install it on your computer or smartphone.
There you can buy and send money to me.
I remind you that I only need $300.
I have attached my wallet qr-code. You can also send money through it.
I remind you once again that my wallet -
Another way is to send bitcoins through an ATM.
You can find the one closest to you on the sites -
there you can send cash or credit card.