Der Vorgang 28666

Der erste Kontakt 28666

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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I think I might have found what I have been looking for.
I saw what you wrote only once, but after that where did you disappear?
I wish you text was longer and showed a little more.
my name is Klavdiya
What is your name? I see that you xxx. Is this a nickname?
What can I say I’m being honest. Looking at you makes me feel fantastic!
The New Year holidays are over, and now there are sales of New Year's items in the shopping center
You can take a look with me into my fitting room and the type of clothes that I choose to wear when this new spring comes.
Please send more videos and pictures I giving you one of my pictures.
I hope that you like the way I look.

Hello xxx,
I hope this letter reaches you in good health and high spirits.
And to make your mood more ardent, I just want to surprise you this ,
I am sending you a video of me where I will show you how old I am,
it is Video from my birthday from last year
I hope my video will warm your heart and melt your ice.
My name is Kunduz and I wrote this letter to share with you my thoughts and observations about love relationships.

Firstly, I forgot to tell you, I was born on 10 February, I am 33 years old but I look younger,
since I have not had a physical job in my life,
In my last letter I already told you that I work as a seller of cosmetics and perfumes in the Letual Store

I work don't for myself. I have a boss. To be more precise. Then I work for a company
And I got a job under an employment contract with a fixed salary.
I don't receive large fees for my work.
I have a salary and every month I receive a fixed salary.
In other words, my salary is the same every month, and like all normal people, I stretch it so that it’s enough for me.
How are you doing with this?

If you could put my life into one sentence, it would look like this.
Every day I go to work and in my free time I take a break from work and sometimes walk in the park alone, looking for love, but it doesn’t work out for me.

I would like to tell you a few words about myself and my past life, why I am here and how it led me to seek relationships in another country.

I've had a bad relationship experience here in my country.
I was disappointed and hurt to learn that there was no mutual respect and support in this relationship.
This led me to the realization that I want to find an exceptional relationship where a man will respect and appreciate his beloved woman.

Past relationships were solely on the fact that I must completely obey a man who often waved his hand to try to hit me.
There were blows, and it was at the most inopportune moment, every time I was not ready to be hit.
I'm just tired of enduring such a life and such relationships,
I found the strength in myself to take all my will into a fist and I got out of such a relationship,
because I feel like an abuser all the time.
Do you know what it's like to be an abuser?

An abuser is a relationship in which a partner violates the personal boundaries of another person, humiliates,
allows cruelty in communication and actions in order to suppress the will,
often cruelty manifests itself in physical violence.
To put it simply, an abuser is a victim.

I repeat. I took all my willpower into a fist and loudly declared that I was tired of such relationships
and that I wanted to break such relationships once
and for all so that I would no longer feel like an abuser.

I lived alone for about a year in order to restore my former feelings and come to a normal life and no longer feel that someone humiliates me.
In my free time, I read a lot and walked outdoors.
I became interested in studying relations in other countries.
And I came to the conclusion that it is easier and more reliable to build an honest and healthy relationship in another country.

I started researching relationships in other countries, I learned about the culture and values of people in your country.
Around the world, the traditional respect and care that men show to their partners is famous.

In your country, there is an opportunity to find a relationship in which each partner will mutually support each other and succeed in everything together.
I am not looking for the perfect fairy tale, but I hope to find a partner who appreciates and respects me for who I am.

As for the age difference, I will answer you,
For me the age difference does not play an important role,
if you are healthy and ready to build love with me, then I will be ready to start it with you.
The age difference is not as important to me as respect and care for me.

If you are open to acquaintance and are interested in the opportunity to get to know each other better, I would like to continue our communication.
I would be glad if you tell me about your views on relationships and what they mean to you.

Can not wait for your reply.
I wish you peace in your heart for the whole day
Best wishes,

Hello xxx,
Today I checked my email and found your letter. To say that I am happy is to say nothing.
It is with great pleasure that I would like to answer your letter.
First of all, I want to say what day it is today, today is Wednesday here, 31 January.

I'm going to ask you a few questions. And then I will answer them myself.
I would also like to receive answers from you:
How many relatives do you have???
My answer: I have no relatives. I am alone now.
I don't have any children, I don't have a brother and I don't have a sister.

How much alcohol do you drink? I do not drink alcohol.
what kind of alcohol do you drink then?
My answer: I don't like the smell of alcohol at all.
I don't drink anything. I have only tried red wine 1 time in my life, but after tasting the wine after myself, after 5 minutes I got a headache and I lay down on the bed and lay there for half a day.
Do you have bad habits? My answer: I don't have any bad habits.
Do you smoke cigarettes? My answer: I don't smoke and I don't like smoking.

I've lived my whole life here in Russia,
and I live in my City Vladivostok.
Since I told you where I live in what country, it's probably time to ask you.
Please tell me about your hometown, I am in my country, what habits do you have in your country, what could you learn from the life and customs in your country???

What do you do at work?
I have already said that I work as a salesman in a cosmetics and perfumery store.
The name of the store is Letual. If you Google, you will probably find the Letual chain of stores.
I work in one of them in my city.
I won’t say that my work will bring me a stable income, but I’m trying to survive on this income
but I work for a company and my salary is standard, no more, no less

I work 6 days a week and I take every shift possible, this is the only way I can survive here in the far corner of Russia in the city of Vladivostok,
since after a special military operation, food prices and utility bills have increased by almost 40 percent.
Everything just became very expensive.

If at work one of the employees is a salesperson like me, looking for an opportunity to take more days off, then I take over her workdays,
and I go on a shift instead of another employee who is lazy all the time and wants to rest.
This is the only way, with great difficulty and sweat, that I can feed myself.
I will repeat once again that it is very difficult to survive here alone and I simply survive by working 6 days a week, resting only 1 day and being in silence almost the entire day and not listening to any music.
On weekdays, you get so tired all day long from the loud noises in the store,
that you just don’t want to hear music on your only day off.

So I said where and what I do.
Tell us what you do what kind of work do you do every day?
What do you do to earn the money you live on?

On my rightfully deserved day off, I go where there is no noise and where there is mostly silence.
I was in the park where I saw how many people were walking
or rather, they were couples in love who held hands, sat on a bench and even kissed.
I haven’t had this in a long time and therefore I was very pleased to even look at it.
I even closed my eyes when I sat down on the bench, and imagined that one day I would also walk holding hands with someone and kiss.
But now I don’t have a man, I’m a lonely woman, I can’t afford it to kiss someone because I don’t have anyone, I’m alone, I’m very lonely

If you saw how I live, you would see that in my soul I am not as happy
as I would like to be because I am very lonely and my soul too
and I will tell you honestly in the future I would really like to meet a loved one with whom
I could share my the joy of your warmth and share with your loved one everything
that I have in my soul, perhaps you could become if you wanted it

Here are 2 photos of me, so that you can imagine my life at least for a minute.
Notice the license plate on the car behind me,
Region 25 means Vladivostok. And yes, I’m from Vladivostok!

Tell me about your relatives.
If possible, show me your relatives.
I am waiting for your reply letter