Der Vorgang 28682

Der erste Kontakt 28682

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hi there! Found your mail in spam-folder, sorry for the late answer, had no chance to check e-mail
earlier. I'm Galina, 37 y.o., alone for now, currently stay in Moldova... would be happy to find a new friend. So, don't see any problems  to know each other little better, if you don't mind of course  Attached my photo, now you can imagine how I looks like, want to believe you won't find me ugly  ok, see you later!

Hi xxx, it's Galina, - glad to find your answer! Thanks for the photo, - like it, you are
handsome and cheerful guy by the way :) Would be glad to see other pics from you in future! Sorry,
I'm unable to check my mail and answer your every day - it's because of conditions of my new job
here in Moldova. I work 12-14 hours per day on warehouse and after that I really don't have any
power and energy to do something else except sleeping. Work 3 full days, after have 1 day of relax
and this day I use almost for having a rest. Ufff... it's not easy period for me now, my usual life
totally changed a half-year ago and now need to adapt to new circumstances of life. Anyway, I'm
optimist and try to think positive, even if it's not easy :) Ok, don't want to bother you with sad
thoughts, - just want to ask you don't be angry on me if I won't be able to write you often. But
promise that I'll try ;) mmmm... little problem - don't know how to start :) As you already knew my
name is Galina (my friends call me Galya), alone and don't have children. Originally I'm from
Ukraine but 3 months ago I fortunately left it and arrived to Moldova further away from the war. I
have only my mother, she is 71 y.o., she stayed at home because it's too hard for her to move
anywhere now. I had a good life and good job in past, - I'm a dentist and have a good medical
education. But half-year our clinic was closed and I lost a good job. Tried to find a new one but
it's almost impossible due to the current situation there. And one day soldiers came to our home and
said that all women with medical degree must arrive to military registration office and after will
be moved to the war zone... It's unbelievable but they really want to take all woman to the war! My
brother disappeared on this war, mom is in a big troubles with it and so, I decided to run from
Ukraine. I deleted all social contacts in the net and messengers because can't allow that I'll be
found by soldiers. It was not easy and cheap to come to Moldova but I'm here at last. It's a poor
country and no good job here, especially for newcomers. So, I found a low-paid hard job and money is
enough only for surviving but it's better then become a soldier for sure. I rent a room in
apartment, internet connection is bad and enough only for use e-mails. Sorry for this words but just
wanted to explain you a little my present situation for understanding, hope you are not bothered too
much :) Please tell me more about yourself, your life, likes and dislikes, and feel free to ask me
any questions! Finishing for now, hope to find your answer soon ;) Have a nice day!

Hi, it's Galya, how are you there? Still no answer from you and frankly speaking my empty mail box
makes me sad... Want to believe you haven't forgotten of me, just busy or may be didn't receive
my previous mail. Decided drop you this couple lines to remind you that I'm still here and waiting
for your mails. Anyway, hope you are fine there, take care of yourself and please try to find at
least few minutes for writing me, missing of you answer, bye!