Der Vorgang 28727

Der erste Kontakt 28727

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello! How was your weekend? What interesting things did you do?
Unfortunately, I'm having problems logging into my email. So I had to
register a new email. I hope you can be understanding with me. If you
wrote to me at my old email, I would be grateful if you forwarded the
letter to me at the new email. So that I can read your letter and
respond. I will look forward to your letter. Anastasiya
Hello! How is your day? I don’t know if you received my letter
yesterday? I wrote to you yesterday and told you that I couldn’t
access my email. Therefore, I had to create a new one, with which I am
now writing to you. If you are still interested in chatting with me,
then let's chat. If you're no longer interested, at least tell me
straight away instead of ignoring me. Best regards, Anastasia