Der Vorgang 28755
Der erste Kontakt 28755
Anzahl der Mails: 2
Mailtext |
Hello There Precious, My purpose of chatting with you is to discover just the right guy, I in fact never ever quit looking so I thought I would do this using the net. Staying down to earth retains me contented, with a love of life, and transparency, I normally tell how i think without camouflaging something, like to cook, and i'm household plus my local friends claim im great to be around, wish its a fact I must locate real love and I hope the following is possible after I find the appropriate male. Lots to fit right in one message, hence you can write a reply if you assume you can be the perfect man, I just can't wait to learn regarding your way of living. I am sent you a 2 letter with details and guess you received info with photos? If you'd like, you can leave me your contact number so I can contact you when I am totally ready. How do like that idea? |
Hello!!! I have not received from you the letter. I do not know, why you don't you write to me??? Can at you cares above a roof or you have simply interrupted with me dialogue. I do not know what now to think. Please answer my letter. If you will not complicate, answer my questions. I hope, that I will receive from you the letter. Faithfully Magdana.... |