Der Vorgang 28759

Der erste Kontakt 28759

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
How are you, I am extremely pleased that my email grabbed your focus. I'm new to digital dating, but I've always been intrigued in connecting with someone this way. It's not often you reach out to a total stranger, so I hope this unforeseen note will lead to pleasant surprise. My interest in our acquaintance is sincere, and I would be overjoyed if you felt the same way. Let me introduce myself: My name is Lali. My height is 170 cm and my weight is 56 kg. I am 37 years old and I am from xxxia, Tbilisi. If you are keen on communicating with a woman of my age, I will be sincerely glad to learn about you better. I am writing this message concisely, understanding that connecting with such a far-off person requires commitment. Nevertheless, if you are comfortable, I will be glad to go into our history in following letters. Would that be a pleasure to you? I hope my note has aroused your inquisitiveness and I am eager to getting a reply from you - perhaps with one or two photos of you.