Der Vorgang 28772

Der erste Kontakt 28772

Anzahl der Mails: 5

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 5 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hi! I'm sorry I couldn't write to you for so long. I had some
problems, I couldn't log in to my account. Now, as a result, I have
created a new account and I hope that you and I will be able to
continue our communication. I will be waiting for your letter from
you. Sincerely Maria.

Hello, where have you gone? Or didn't you even receive my letter? I
will be waiting for your answer. Sincerely Maria
Hello! Have you forgotten me? Or maybe you didn't receive my letter?
Or maybe the whole point is that you just don't want to communicate?
Anyway, I'll be waiting for your answer. I hope you'll tell me what's
the matter. Even if you don't want to communicate, just let me know.
I'll be waiting...
Hello my friend! I was hoping to see your letter again. I believed and
hoped that you had written to me, but there is nothing from you.. Or
maybe the problem is that my letter got into your spam folder and
that's why you didn't see what I wrote to you? Please check the spam
folder. Sincerely, I am waiting for your reply, Maria.
Hello, how are you doing today? Why are you silent and don't write
anything? Have you forgotten about me?