Der Vorgang 28781

Der erste Kontakt 28781

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.

We found your CV, as you recently updated your page on Indeed.


You searched for IT -Support Engineer "Frankfurt am Main" and maybe you are
interested in our job


We want to suggest you consider the vacancy of Customer Service Manager.


What exactly are we offering?

You can combine this work with any other if it does not affect the quality
of accomplishment of tasks.

It is desirable to have knowledge of English at level B1.

Location: Germany

Schedule: Part-time (3-4 hours a day)

Employment Type: Work from home, Remote

Salary: 2,900 EUR a month + bonuses

If you are interested to know more about this position please email our HR
Manager - Natalie Mills and she will provide details about the vacancy.


If you have not received a response from our HR Manager, please check your
spam folder.

Sometimes there are problems with delivering email.

Thank you for your time. We hope for feedback shortly.

Have a nice day.

HR department

Trafix Finance Ltd