Der Vorgang 28795

Der erste Kontakt 28795

Anzahl der Mails: 4

Es wurden insgesamt -- 4 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good Day Precious, My aim of chatting with you is to acquire the right male, I genuinely never ever quit hoping therefore I made a decision to do that on the web. Staying down to earth retains me contented, with a humorousness, and clarity, I normally say exactly how i think without concealing something, like to prepare food, and i'm house-hold plus my local friends claim I am a lot of fun to be around, hope that its genuine I want to find some love and i am hoping it's likely once I find the best guy. Lots to fit right in one email, so you can send a reply if you assume you can be the correct guy, I can't wait to find out about your real life. I sent you pics and message, please notify if you do not have it. If you'd like, you could leave me your cell phone number so I can easily call you when I am ready. You like that plan?

Hello xxx
Dear xxx, thanks you for your letter. I'm glad you answered me.
I received your letter.
I guess, you received my profile on some dating site? Or did you get
a letter from them? A few months ago I registered on several
communication services, it was a long time ago and I don't even
remember the names of these sites. I left some my photos there and
left a small welcome text. Does it look like they emailed you this? In
general, I will be glad to know more about you. I just received your
letter today and never knew anything about you in the past.
I'm really interested in learning more about you. Im from Russia, I
have friends here, but I don t know anyone from another country. And
that's why I'm interested in getting to know someone from another
culture. It's possible that I'll find someone special that I couldn't
find here. Tell me if you're not interested in any of this. I just
don't know if this email doesn't get lost in your mailbox, I'll send
it again if you don't reply. Just give me an answer so I know you've
read my letter. Messages are often lost due to email filters. Im not
looking for empty sexual games. If that's all you need, then it's
better to stop right now. Even for sexual intimacy, the closeness of
the soul is needed. Will you tell me more about how you live? I am
an open person and I like open easy communication. But sometimes I'm
too direct. I not like and do not tolerate rude and evil person. I
dont like fools, but I'm often stupid myself. I'll finish the letter
now. But I'll write more if you're interested. Don't be afraid to
offend me and tell me if you're not interested.
Have a nice day!
Your Zalina!
Hello xxx

Dear xxx, thanks you for your letter. I'm glad you answered me.
I received your letter.
I guess, you received my profile on some dating site? Or did you get
a letter from them? A few months ago I registered on several
communication services, it was a long time ago and I don't even
remember the names of these sites. I left some my photos there and
left a small welcome text. Does it look like they emailed you this? In
general, I will be glad to know more about you. I just received your
letter today and never knew anything about you in the past.
I'm really interested in learning more about you. Im from Russia, I
have friends here, but I don t know anyone from another country. And
that's why I'm interested in getting to know someone from another
culture. It's possible that I'll find someone special that I couldn't
find here. Tell me if you're not interested in any of this. I just
don't know if this email doesn't get lost in your mailbox, I'll send
it again if you don't reply. Just give me an answer so I know you've
read my letter. Messages are often lost due to email filters. Im not
looking for empty sexual games. If that's all you need, then it's
better to stop right now. Even for sexual intimacy, the closeness of
the soul is needed. Will you tell me more about how you live? I am
an open person and I like open easy communication. But sometimes I'm
too direct. I not like and do not tolerate rude and evil person. I
dont like fools, but I'm often stupid myself. I'll finish the letter
now. But I'll write more if you're interested. Don't be afraid to
offend me and tell me if you're not interested.
Have a nice day!

Your Zalina!

I sent you some letters, but I did not get a new answer from you. It
is possible that you did not get my letter, because it came into your
spam. This is my last letter. Have a nice day
Regards Zalina!