Der Vorgang 28812

Der erste Kontakt 28812

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good afternoon! You must be surprised to receive this message. It could be too brave of me to write at first, but I think it's a nice beginning for a date! I'd like you having a good first impression of meeting me. By the way, I'm Alika. What are you doing in the evenings this winter? I don't like winter and I'd like to get back to summer as soon as possible. I am lonely at the moment and I dream of finding my soul mate. I'm somewhat over 30 years old, and I would really like to meet a sincere and decent man. I live in Turkey. Where are you from? If you also feel lonely and want to find a soul mate, feel free to email me. Let me know about yourself and your life, about your hobbies and life priorities. I will definitely answer you quickly, and maybe this will be the beginning of something more than just exchanging messages. I will be waiting for your reply.

Hi. How are you keeping?? I feel so happy that we met! Your response was a pleasant surprise, I appreciate it.
I believe that our communication indicates that the best moments of life are waiting for us. The main thing is to be in the right place at the right time. Now my life is filled with pleasant events and I rejoice at each of them. I imagine you're curious about why I have this outlook and what positive changes I've seen in my life. I'm excited to tell you a bit about myself and what I'm all about. I appreciate your frankness about your family, after your letter I was able to introduce all your loved ones. And I'm glad you shared it with me, because that kind of honest brings us closer.
Recently, I realized that taking care of my health and development will help me become better. I began to actively develop and devote more time to my health. My health is the most important thing on my agenda right now. Also I signed up for vocal courses, do charging every day, read books on self -development and strive to achieve my personal and professional purposes. Of course, these changes do not occur quickly and without difficulty. I believe that this is my key to real and full life. I wish to improve and grow in order to live a rich life. Become the best version of yourself! And what's your take on this? I'd love to hear about your hobbies and what you enjoy doing.
What have you done to bring more positivity into your life? Can you share more about yourself and what you hope to achieve in life? I believe that our acquaintance and further communication will inspire and motivate me for the better. I will be glad if our communication becomes an inspiring factor for our lives and new achievements.
What else, I think Im an optimist because I know how to have fun every moment of my life. Now I want to get acquainted with the man with whom I will be comfortable and not afraid to discuss any topics. I would like to find someone interesting with whom you could talk and make friends. I'm seeking a person who can provide me with guidance and accountability towards my goals. Getting out of the comfort zone is an arduous task that requires great effort. Honestly, sometimes I just want to spend an entire day lying in bed without doing anything, but I can't afford it, and I envy those who have the chance to do so.
It is very interested to learn more about your lifestyle I'm always interested in meeting new people and learning about their lives. Can you share where you live and a bit more about yourself? Cool selfie.Your face expresses your masculinity. I like this.
So, it's time to finish my message. I want to wish you a lot of smiles today:) Alika, 33 years, I am at home now in Erzurum, Turkey.
P.S. I hope this isn't too forward, but I realized that I don't know your name yet. Would you mind telling me what it is? I glad to get a letter from you very soon. I hope that you will like my photos.

Good day!
Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. I noticed you didn't respond to my last message, and I wanted to make sure everything is alright. If you're just swamped, no worries - take your time. I'm here whenever you're ready to chat.