Der Vorgang 28849

Der erste Kontakt 28849

Anzahl der Mails: 15

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 15 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello, I apologize for the late reply. I had a problem with the
previous mail. The problem is that I could not receive messages from
you. I do not know what it is connected with, but I decided to start a
new mailbox so that we could continue the communication. I am writing
to you from my new email and asking you to reply me to the message at
" ". I think we should have no problems with
our communication. Today I have little time to write big letters and
tell you how my day went. I have a request. I ask you to send my last
letters. Most likely I did not receive these letters. I hope that you
will reply to this letter tomorrow and we will be able to continue our
communication further. I will be waiting for your reply. Regards Akaltyn.
Hello how are you? How is your mood? I did not receive a reply to my
letter. Maybe it did not reach you or was lost somewhere. I want to
get to know you better. I will tell you about myself. I shall hope
that in the future,we shall be very good friends.It- something new and
unusual to me.But I shall try,write good letters to you. In brief I to
you will tell a little about myself. I the cheerful girl with which
will be never boring in dialogue. I like to write verses creativity
have got from my mum. If you like creativity I can share. Small verses
on love. I will once again be presented, that you did not forget my
name because most likely you communicate with girls on the Internet.
My real name is Akaltyn. I live in provincial town Rudnyi (Kazakhstan)..
much want to find the good friend hope, the satellite during life You
understand me and we can correspond with you? I should like to report
small about itself, this for me for the first time I never got acquainted
through Internet but I think do the exception for itself. I have finished
university, I doctor (the surgeon medicine) work in clinic of 4 years.
Specialise surgeon traumatologist. I live one in house in which there
is 2 rooms I do not have brothers and sisters. I have two girlfriends
about them I will tell later if it will be interesting to you. I very
pleased that I have a good friends... I think that friends very
important for each person. write me little about itself as You,
conduct its free time that You love. If to you was a little, that I
have told about myself in the following letter I will try to tell, it
is as much as possible about myself. I will wait with hope, that you
will answer me. With impatience I will wait for your letter and with
your photo. Send to me more than the photos. I will do too most to
send you many photo. On it I will finish the letter. See you later...
Your new friend Akaltyn.
Hello,I've already sent you my letter with photos but
you still didn't answer... Why?You did not like my photo? Have you
received my letter? Maybe simply you didn't have time to answer
immediately or maybe my photos and everything what was written there
didn't interest you at all??? Please write me at least a note of
explanation, because most of all I'm afraid of indefinite situation
when you don't now what to expect...Hope to hear from you soon, Akaltyn.
Hello how are you? How is your mood? Dear, I wrote you a letter, but
did not receive your letter in return. Maybe you did not get my
previous letter. Maybe it got into your spam folder. Or maybe you did
not like my photos. But I really want to continue the conversation.
Now I need someone who I need so much. I do not know the reason why
you have not written to me yet, although I have already sent you
letters. Maybe you did not have time to respond, or you are more
important than responding to a letter from a girl who really wants to
continue talking with you. If you want to continue the dialogue with
me, I will be happy to answer you. If you do not want to continue
talking with me and write, then write to me. Do not be afraid. I hope
I get a letter from you. Akaltyn.
Hello, how are you? I was waiting for your answer for several days Who
know maybe something bad happened to you or you don’t want to think me
anymore, or even you don’t remember me.There are only sad dark
thoughts in my mind now and bad presentiments. Please disperse this
bad feelings and thoughts,please come back to me! I'm waiting for any
sign of your attention.I depend on you and I need your lovely tender
attention.understand that this silence and misunderstanding won’t lead
to anything good. Don’t leave me as I’m very attached to you and I
like our communication and I’d like to move it forward because you are
attracting me very much.Your woman, Akaltyn.
Hello,how are you? How is your health dear? I hope everything is well
with you?! I’m happy again that I have opportunity to write this
letter to you. I’m in high spirits and I’m glad to recognize that soon
you will receive this letter and read it and then reply, so,soon I
will read yours. Hope this letter will find you in high mood. I've
already got attached so much to you that I miss when I can't read your
regular letter or can't answer to you.My everyday thoughts are about
you: your cheerful mood,health,success.I’ve seriously thought today
about the future of our communication.Hope to hear from you soon,
Hello, how are you doing? How is your mood? Each your letter makes my
soul and mood be in high spirits,as if your words have mysterious
magic force and they draw to themselves by the immeasurable force. I'd
like to return to our correspondence.How was your day?????? I hope
that you write to me very soon because without your letters my life
seems boring.I shall look forward to hearing from you. Akaltyn.

I am very upset that I have not received letters from you. I hope that
you are well and you just don't have time to write to me. I understand
that anything can happen in life, but I would like you to give me a
couple of minutes of your time and write me a letter. There are also
unforeseen situations in my life, like in the life of any person, but
I try to find a couple of minutes of time for you and write you a
letter. If I did something wrong or you just didn’t like me, then tell
me about it so that I don’t hope in vain and don’t expect letters from
you. Of course, I want to further develop our relationship and hope
that our letters will lead to something more. Just text me as soon as
you can. I'm really looking forward to.

Your woman, Akaltyn.
Hi, how are you? How are you? I'm glad to write you a letter. I've
been thinking about you a lot lately. You changed my emotions and
feelings. Every time I think about you my mood improves. And when I
receive your letters, a smile and joy appear on my face. I hope that
my letters also bring you only positive emotions. I'm glad to have met
you. Today it is cloudy here and sometimes it snows, but despite this
my mood is good because I am thinking about you! Hope to hear from you
today or tomorrow. Have a nice day! Yours Akaltyn.
Hello, how are you?How is your health?Recieving your
letters,brings me glee and joy.You make checking my e-mails so much
more enjoyable,an ear to ear smile appears on my face when I see your
name in my inbox.We are both not alone,we have each other,when we feel
down or lonely,we only have to think of each other and the whole world
seems such a better place.My thoughts are about you.Hope to hear from
you soon, Akaltyn.
Hello,how are you?How is your health?How is your mood?I miss you
a lot.Disperse all of these terrible strange stupid worries and fears
of mine.Please tell me that you are well.Please tell me that you think
about and waiting my letter.I think you didn't have time to answer
immediately.Please tell me what should I do!Tell me what made you to
keep silence and did not answer me?I need your answer to be assured -
expectation and uncertainty frighten me...I wish you good
day.Sincerely, Akaltyn.
Hello,how are you? Where are you?Didn't recieve answer from
you.I wonder why...Please tell me!I'm sure smth special and important
but please find some minutes to write an answer to my last email.You
make me sad letting me without any news from you and any attention and
any specifics. How was your day????? I'm waiting for your reply
with great impatience. With great care, your devoted, Akaltyn.

Hi, how are you? how are you? I didn't see your letter in my inbox. I
really want you to write to me. Every day I want to open my mail as
soon as possible and read your letter. It gives me a lot of pleasure
and lifts my mood. Tell me how are you? Anything new? I hope to see
your letter soon. Every day my feelings for you are growing and I hope
our relationship will move to the next level. I look forward to your
letters. Your Akaltyn.
Hello. I'm sorry I didn't see a letter from you. Why do not you write
me? I really want to continue our acquaintance with you. Bad thoughts
come into my head and I start to worry whether everything is okay with
you. I hope everything is okay with you and these are just my
experiences. I want to believe that you want to continue our
acquaintance and we can create something more from this. I ask you to
write to me as soon as you can.

Yours, Akaltyn.

Hello, this is Akaltyn. I'm very upset that you haven't written to me.
What's the matter? Did you stop liking me? Or has it become
uninteresting to you? Maybe I told you something wrong? I'd really
like to know the real reason why you don't write me your letters.
Every day I go to my mail and I hope to see your letter. But instead
of your answer, I see your silence. Write me. I'm really looking
forward to your letter. It is very important for me.

Yours, Akaltyn.