Der Vorgang 28889

Der erste Kontakt 28889

Anzahl der Mails: 4

Es wurden insgesamt -- 4 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Mysterious the stranger, I wish to look, as it is strong you wish to find and to begin acquaintance with new and good the girl?
My name Polina. Im almost 38 y.o. I born Kazakhstan. I wish to believe, that I to you like on a photo.
I could not understand, in what the country you live?
I search someone with whom my life will be balanced and surprising. I very much interesting, kind and optimistical girl.
But I one now and I very much have got tired from such life. Therefore I have gone in marriage agency and have written to you the letter.
Actually, I in searches present the man for serious relations and marriage in the future. My purpose - to find the beloved of all my life.
I wish to believe, that you are this man. I will be happy if we find one goal in life, and our meeting - the most great moment in our future life.
Now I do not know, as is strong have interest in continuation our correspondence, therefore I am more than information on I will tell about myself later.
Send your answer to my address:
With impatience I wait your letter with big impatience.
With the best regards,

Hi! What is your name?

I am very glad to write to you. I'll write as soon as I can. I contacted the dating service and gave them my email address! and then, after a while, you texted me.
How are you? How are you today? What are you looking for? About me, I'm looking for something serious! A man I want to trust completely. I'm not here to play. I'm really, really serious about this. I deserve to be happy. I think everyone wants happiness and joy in life. And I want to get to know you better! and time will tell what will happen in the future!

What city do you live in? I understand that you live in Germany?

I know that women don't take the first steps in a relationship, but this is the 21st century.
Do you like sports? I was wondering when you told me more about yourself. How often do you play football? Are you playing alone or with your friends?
I like to watch sports dancing, as well as gymnastics. I often visit the gym and walk outdoors, but I believe that any activity (sports, walks, free time) should be accompanied by a partner.

I want to find a serious, fair, loving and decent man. A man with whom I can share my life based on kindness, love, understanding and tenderness. I believe that there are no barriers to love. I stopped chatting on dating sites a long time ago, because mostly men only need sex and naked photos that I will never send.

Now I work as a manicurist.
I have a higher pedagogical education, I used to work as a teacher of mathematics and algebra.

It has always been a dream to visit other countries, but so far it has not been possible. It is very interesting to find out how people live in other countries, and I want to know even more about you, your interests and hobbies.
I don't have any siblings. I only have my mom left. My father died a long time ago, when I was 2 years old.
I am very sorry that your family has died, I would like to offer you my sincere condolences.
I love life, but my heart is lonely, and there is no one with whom I can talk openly and freely. I hope that our communication will develop, I would like that, and you?

Please write to me, what do you think about everything? It is interesting to hear your opinion. I hope the letter was not very long, do not hesitate to ask questions, and I will be happy to answer them.
I am really looking forward to your new letter and photos.
I am very interested in what our communication will lead to. :)
My name is Polina.
You may not have received my previous email. That's why I'd like to write to you again. I hope this time you will see my letter and write your answer. I'll be waiting.
Sincerely, Polina.
Hallo. Ich war sehr überrascht, als ich deine Nachricht erhielt. Wie kann ich das alles verstehen? Wie kann ich deine Nachricht verstehen? Hast du meine Nachricht nicht erhalten?
Danke für die Antwort und ich entschuldige mich für das Warten!
Freut mich sehr, Sie kennenzulernen!!!
Mein Name ist Polina, ich bin 38 Jahre alt.
Meine Größe ist 172 cm und mein Gewicht beträgt 57 kg.
Ich habe keine schlechten Angewohnheiten, ich mache Yoga und Tanz, meine Lieblingsfarbe ist Rot und die Blumen sind Pfingstrosen.

Ich lebe in Kasachstan, in einer kleinen Stadt namens Kostanai. Wahrscheinlich waren Sie noch nie in Kasachstan? :)
In welcher Stadt wohnst du?
Ich bin nicht verheiratet. ich habe keine Kinder. haben Sie Kinder?

Es ist interessant, in jedem Brief mehr über Sie zu erfahren. Bis jetzt habe ich es nicht geschafft, einen Mann zu finden, mit dem ich glücklich sein könnte. Vielleicht können wir das mit Ihnen ändern. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine offene, ernsthafte und ehrliche Beziehung. Ich hoffe, dass ich Ihnen sympathisch bin :)
Ich werde mich auf Ihre Nachricht freuen!!!
ich möchte noch einmal vielen Dank für unsere Bekanntschaft sagen!!!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Polina!