Der Vorgang 28945

Der erste Kontakt 28945

Anzahl der Mails: 13

Es wurden insgesamt -- 13 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Greet) My Joyous, how are you holding up?
I require to converse casually. I'm a lonely unequaled girl from Russia and trying to find generous buddy.
I can reply to You my photos;)
Email to me at
Have a good time
Hi! I'm so glad you answered me! I hope you have a good day today and
you feel great! Tell me a little bit about your day, what you're doing
right now. I am really interested in you and I would like to continue
to communicate with you. And perhaps this will lead to something in
the future. I am looking for a person who will have the same serious
intentions to build their relationship and their future. I hope it
will be interesting for you to be with me. By the way, here's my
picture.. I hope you like it! I will be waiting for your answer. Anna.

Hello! Well, how are you? You still remember me, don't you? I sent you
a letter with my photo. Did you get it? Maybe it got into your junk
mail folder. Check her out. Anna.
Hey.. I understand that you're probably busy right now. It's just that
I still haven't received your reply. Everything okay?
Hi! I wrote to you yesterday. Did you get my letter? You gave me this
contact address on the dating app. I want to meet you and get to know
you better. I also sent you a photo. I hope you liked it and we will
be able to continue our communication! I will wait for your letter!
Hi! I sent you a photo yesterday... Did you get my message? You didn't
even answer it. That's why I'm worried that something might have
happened. Did you check your spam folder?
Hi there! I'm just checking in to see if you've received my earlier
message. I hope to hear from you soon, but understand if you're busy
or working on other things. Maybe my letter ended up in your spam
folder? Could you please double-check that just in case? I really look
forward to connecting with you again!
Hi! What happened? Why don't you answer? Did I do something wrong? I
hope not. I want to continue our acquaintance. I will be waiting for
your answer!
Hey, I'm back to read your message again, but I can't find it. Why
didn't you reply to me? Aren't you interested in keeping in touch and
seeing where things take us? Hope you can still find my message and
respond! Please check your spam folder.
Hi there! How's it going? Hope I'm not interrupting anything. Just
wanted to know how you're spending the weekend. Any cool stuff going
on? I just wanted to say hi and answer your question from yesterday.
So, what's up with you? Still resting or working hard? I had a great
time this weekend, hanging out with friends. We went to the movies and
then walked around the park. Lots of laughs and good times! How about
you? Anna
Hey, why are you silent again and not answering? This upsets me very
much, because I immediately announced my intentions and hoped that you
would write to me and answer my letters. I thought that our goals were
the same and you would write to me very soon to discuss it.. I hope
that you are just busy and very soon I will still be able to see your
answer for me! Anna.
So what? I'm getting tired of you not responding to me! Is it really
that difficult, so difficult to reply to my messages? It's important
for me to spend ten minutes a day receiving your answer... Every day,
I write to you, I have to go to the library in order to read your
reply. But I do not see any connection on your part. Why are you
silent...? I immediately told you that I have only serious intentions.
I am really interested in you and I want to get something from you
every day. If you think that "busy" is an excuse, then it's wrong. In
the end, a person chooses what he is going to do and sets his own
priorities. If you were interested, you would reply every day and
answer my messages... Even if you were busy, you could tell me about
that. I understand that you do not have the opportunity for
communication. I don't want to bother you and I won't force you to do
that. I will just stop messaging you. If you don't want to communicate
with me, that's okay.You're not interested, and you can just say so.
Okay, I need to pull myself together... I don't want to hurt your
feelings or inadvertently offend you...
Hi... You're still silent... Good. hinter, now I'm going to be
serious! I'm not going to waste my time or yours. At the very
beginning, I said that I was only looking for a serious relationship.
I said I'm not going to waste my time on stupid games, I'm here to
find my love! I thought you'd be serious too. I thought that you would
be able to give me at least your communication, somehow show your
interest in me!! But you don't answer my letters! There's no way I 'm
going to believe that you wouldn't have had enough time for this. The
most most of all, I don't like it when a person ignores me. It can be
really offensive... What have I done to deserve this? What have I done
to you? How have I offended you? Why are you treating me like this?
hinter, do you think there is at least one person in the world who
would like such communication? What do you expect from me? That I'm
going to sit and wait for you to write to me? This is absolutely
abnormal - that's how to treat a person... I understand that you
probably spend a lot of time at work. I understand how tired you are.
But you gave me yours contact yourself, I think you can leave a small
note saying that you can't contact me at the moment and write to me
later.. But obviously you don't want to do even that... Do you think
I'm not working? You think I have a lot of free time.. Yes? I also
work every day, from early morning until late at night. And I have
absolutely no free time. But I still find time to write to you... be
brave, after all, you're a man . Tell me honestly that you are not
interested in communicating with me. Tell me I'm not worth your time..
If you don't need it Relationships, then I won't torture you anymore!
I don't bother you with my letters anymore. hinter, if you suddenly
want to talk to me, then I'll wait, but I'm tired of this attitude
towards me. I'm a human being too, and I have feelings. I have a heart
that can be hurt..... I will be waiting for your decision!