Der Vorgang 28947

Der erste Kontakt 28947

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hello my new friend, I am Alina. I am originally from Moldova, I live here. My age thirty-five years old. I have a wonderful job and a stable income. I speak several languages, not exclusively English. ATTENTION. If you have doubts about my sincerity or you believe that I will prove something to you or come up with excuses! Better ignore this letter! Of course, like any woman I dream about a family. My real goal is to start communication and more with a man, possibly online. For me, age is actually not that important. After all, I myself am no longer not young. Among other things, I consider myself a amazing and intelligent woman. I excellent cook and keep order. If you are interested for such a girl, then let's try. My true goal is meet an cheerful, stable man who has havegoals in life. Someone who won’t cause pity because of something in the past. Someone who wants grow and develop. If your goal is just get a laugh or lewd behavior, just don't reply to this message. It won't have any continuation.If you are interested Please write ONLY to my personal email: stommalina@hotmail.comI will be satisfied start communication with a serious man, I'm waiting for your photos and some information about you!