Der Vorgang 28968

Der erste Kontakt 28968

Anzahl der Mails: 14

Es wurden insgesamt -- 14 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello. The real fellows, where are you? fine lady is writing to you, please do not be surprised by this particular message. I would like a man who is searching for trust-based relationship with a young lady. I really hope that I didn't bore you to death you with this mail, & I look ahead to your reply. I have pinned my very own photo, let me know your true opinion?

Hallo , vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen und auf meine E-Mail geantwortet haben. Dieser
ist für mich eine neue und ungewöhnliche Erfahrung im Internet. Aber ich werde es versuchen
schreibe dir gute Briefe. Sei nicht zu streng mit meinen Fehlern in
wörter, Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache. Und ich hoffe, die Armen zu verbessern
deutschkenntnisse während der Kommunikation mit Ihnen. Nun, wenn du es nicht tust
wohlgemerkt, ich werde dir ein wenig erzählen über myself.My mein Name ist Marina. Ich bin
jetzt 30 Jahre alt. Mein Geburtstag ist der 10.September. Ich wurde 1993 geboren
Jahr. Mein Gewicht beträgt 56 kg bei einer Körpergröße von 165 cm. Ich lebe in Tiflis
stadt, xxxien. xxxien liegt im westlichen Teil von Transkaukasien
an der Ostküste des Schwarzen Meeres. Gehört zu Osteuropa. I
arbeite in einem Schönheitssalon. Ich mache kosmetische Dienstleistungen für Frauen. Meine Aufgaben
inklusive Wimpernverlängerung, Augenbrauenkorrektur und Färbung sowie Gesichtsbehandlung
Reinigung. Ich lebe alleine, ich habe keine Kinder und einen geliebten Mann ..
Manchmal fühle ich mich sehr einsam in ihrer Wohnung. Es ist aus diesem Grund
dass ich beschlossen habe, dich kennenzulernen . Ich treibe gerne Sport. Zweimal pro Woche
Ich gehe ins Fitnessstudio, um fit zu bleiben. Meine Ausbildung beinhaltet
(Aerobic, Laufbänder, Yoga) Ich bin für einen gesunden Lebensstil :) Ich habe
Es gibt keine schlechten Gewohnheiten wie (Alkohol, Rauchen und Drogen). dort
hast du schlechte Angewohnheiten??? Was kann ich dir noch über mich erzählen? I
bevorzugen Sie alle Musik unabhängig vom Genre (Rock, Jazz, Pop usw.).) Ich mag
Filme über Liebe, Komödie, Fantasie schauen. Ich bin nicht so, ich liebe Hits,
wo sich die Stadien der Gewalt zeigen. Was möchten Sie sonst noch wissen?
über mich ??? Stellen Sie Fragen (nur ich bitte Sie, mich angemessen zu fragen
fragen) Ich möchte sofort sagen, dass ich ein anständiges Mädchen bin und ich werde
keine Nacktfotos zu machen. . Ich hoffe, du wirst nicht lachen und wir werden schreiben
viele Briefe aneinander. Ich hoffe, dass Sie sich für unsere interessieren
Dialog. Was erwartest du von einer Frau?? Du willst, dass eine Frau ist
dein Partner im Leben ?? Vielleicht suchst du nur eine Freundin oder
herrin ?? Vielleicht suchen Sie eine Mutter für Ihre Kinder?
Was hat dich dazu gebracht, meinen vorherigen Brief zu beantworten, nur Interesse ?? Oder einfach nur
höflichkeit? Oder gibt es vielleicht noch etwas anderes?, Der Abstand zwischen
die USA sind ein Problem für Sie? Ich hoffe, dass unsere Kommunikation fortgesetzt wird.
Erzähl mir von deinen Vorlieben über Frauen. Ich schicke dir ein paar Bilder
von mir und meinem Leben. Ich meine es ernst mit deinen Absichten, also zeig es mir bitte
deine Hingabe. P.S.Uuuf, endlich habe ich diesen Brief beendet. Ich habe das geschrieben
ein Brief mit großer Inspiration und dem Versuch, so viel wie möglich zu erzählen
über mich ..))) Ich wünsche dir einen guten und guten Tag !! Ich hoffe zu hören von
du bald, Marina...
Hello,I've already sent you my letter with photos but you still
didn't answer... Why?You did not like my photo? Have you received my
letter? Maybe simply you didn't have time to answer immediately or
maybe my photos and everything what was written there didn't interest
you at all??? Please write me at least a note of explanation,
because most of all I'm afraid of indefinite situation when you don't
now what to expect...Hope to hear from you soon,Marina....

Hello !!! I've already sent you my letter.Have you received my
letter? Maybe simply you didn't have time to answer immediately???
Why? Please write me at least a note of explanation,Ok? Hope to hear
from you soon, Marina....

Hello xxx!!!You where were gone, you have decided so to finish with
me conversation??? Ignoring me?? If it not so answer my letter. Marina....

Hello ,how are you? How is your mood? I did not receive a reply
to my letter. Maybe it did not reach you or was lost somewhere. I want
to get to know you better. I will tell you about myself. I shall hope
that in the future,we shall be very good friends.It- something new and
unusual to me.But I shall try,write good letters to you. In brief I to
you will tell a little about myself. I the cheerful girl with which
will be never boring in dialogue. I will once again be presented, that
you did not forget my name because most likely you communicate with
girls on the Internet. My name is Marina. I'm 30 years. I live in
town Tbilisi, xxxia. xxxia is located in the western part of
Transcaucasia on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Belongs to
Eastern Europe. I much want to find the good friend hope, the
satellite during life You understand me and we can correspond with
you? I should like to report small about itself. I work in a beauty
parlor. I do cosmetic services for women. My duties include eyelash
extensions, eyebrow correction and coloring and facial cleansing. I
live alone, I have no children and a beloved man no .. I have friend
about I will tell later if it will be interesting to you. I very
pleased that I have a good friend... I think that friend very
important for each person. write me little about itself as You,
conduct its free time that You love. If to you was a little, that I
have told about myself in the following letter I will try to tell, it
is as much as possible about myself. I will wait with hope, that you
will answer me. With impatience I will wait for your letter and with
your photo. Send to me more than the photos. I will do too most to
send you many photo. On it I will finish the letter. See you later...
Your new friend Marina....

Hello !!!! Why don't you write to me - during several days
already I'm longing of you letters and you attention!!! Please don't
judge me strictly but I'm waiting for any sign of your attention
everyday even checking my mailbox several times per day... I've
started to worry if you I'm afraid forgot about me and dissapointed in
me - but why??? what is the reason - please give it to me!!!

Hello !!! If you don't want to communicate with me, then tell me.
I still hope that you write. If I don't receive from you the letter
within two days, more I won't write you. Because I don't see sense
with hope to wait for your letter. If you want to continue further
with me conversation, then I will be glad to communicate with you.

Hello!!! Why you ignore me???? If you don't want to communicate with
me, write to me!!!! I have already sent you a large number of letters.
You have still answered one of them. I ask a question why??? I am not
pleasant to you???? Or at you other reason not to write me:??? Tell me
in what a problem???? I with hope still hope that I will receive from
you the letter. I hope at you there will be enough courage to write me
couple of offers. I wait from you for the letter.Marina....

Hello !!!What's wrong?where are you?Didn't recieve any answer from
you for rather long period of time?I wonder why???..Please tell me!
I'm sure smth special and important but please find some minutes to
write an answer to my last email.You chose to disappear and don’t
reply to my letters.You received my letter? Please find strength and
self-respect to answer to my questions.Be the man!Don’t make me sad
and to be disappointed in you as man.Marina...

Hello !!!Where are you?Did you forget about me? How are you? Where
are you now? What is going on in your life?Do you miss me? Your last
letter was a few days ago.Is there free space in your life for me?Tell
me everything!!!!!! Do You make me sad letting me without any news
from you and any attention and any specifics.Please find strength and
self-respect to answer to my questions.Be the man!Don’t make me sad
and to be disappointed in you as man.Your devoted,Marina....

Hello xxx!!! Are you still very busy? Did you receive my previous
letter which I sent you.I’m a bit worried about you.How are you?!Hope
you are well and nothing bad happened to you.What is your latest
news?LIfe becomes more monotonous without your letters and your lovely
attention. I miss you all days and all nights.Just write me few words
– just one word and I’ll be happy. Marina....

Hello , what's wrong? Didn't recieve any answer from you for rather
long period of time? I wonder why... Please tell me! I'm sure smth
special and important but please find some minutes to write an answer
to my last email.Please find strength and self-respect to answer to my
questions. Be the man! Don’t make me sad and to be disappointed in you
as man. Marina...

Hello!!! I do not know the reason why you do not write to me. You can
write at least one reason. Why I do not receive from you letters????
Can you did not receive my letters???? I can to you I do not like????
I can I seem you suspicious??? Tell in what the reason. Really you
cannot find precious time to write me the letter??? Simply answer pair
my questions and all!!! Probably we will stop dialogue if you do not
want to communicate with me. Be the man, cease to ignore my messages.
It is not a shame to you, what you are written by the girl of the
first???? Answer my letter and answer my questions. I wait for your
letter. Marina from xxxia...