Der Vorgang 28990

Der erste Kontakt 28990

Anzahl der Mails: 6

Es wurden insgesamt -- 6 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello xxx,
Have a nice day. I only saw your message once
but after that our connection broke down
I want to reconnect and I would like to know more about you
If you are interested in a long-term relationship,
then I will be glad to receive your return response to my mail
As an initial greeting, it would be nice if you sent me one of your photos too
I still want to ask you.
That name - xxx, Is this a nickname for the Internet?
What is your real name?
Mira this is my real name, I have no other name.
Hopefully you also want to go on and who knows what is to come
Your new friend, Mira

Hello xxx,
One day you wrote to me, after which our connection broke off
I tried to contact you a couple of days ago, but still have not received a response from you.
Most likely my letter is always delivered to you in the wrong folder?
If you read me now. Just give me a return answer so that I can see that you see what I write
Maybe you changed your personal address and it’s different now?
Reply to me from your new personal address.
I would like to get in touch with you so that we can get to know each other better.
First, start writing to me here, and then we will try to exchange messenger with you for quick messaging
But first send me your picture here
Here below is a photo of me, I hope you enjoyed looking at my photo.
I wish you a good start to this afternoon
Kind regards

Hello friend xxx.
How are you? I wrote you a short letter, I saw that you answered me.
So I am writing to you again today, in the hope that you will again see another new letter from me, and also answer me.
And maybe you will even smile when you see it and start reading it. smile)
so that you can get to know me bette, I would like to tell you a couple of paragraphs about myself, in case you are interested
So that you have a better idea of me, today I added to my letter a photo of myself, so you can better imagine my image,
so that you could imagine me even better in real life,
I decided that I could send you a live video of me
after I send this letter, I will send you a video of me,
I hope you will wait for him
My past life was full of various experiences and adventures
I graduated from the Riga Technical University
And now I'm not working in my specialty,
I am an ordinary salesperson in a women's supermarket.
I work as a salesperson in the Yves Rocher,
I am a seller of cosmetics and perfumes.
I'm just an ordinary Latvian girl, I live in Latvia,
I live in a Latvian city called Riga, do you know where it is?
My city can be viewed on Wikipedia
Mira is my real name.
I am 1.65m tall. Tell me, do you mind that I'm young years?
For me, the age difference doesn't matter.
On the contrary. You are older and that is the best.
Psychologists and scientists believe that the age difference in the modern world is optimally necessary for building successful and happy relationships
I have absolutely no problems with your age. smile)
I am looking for the man with whom I can have the family.
I want the man to give me love and care.
Unfortunately, I am still without a partner. I am lonely
I feel this loneliness all the time...
are you feeling the same?
Tell me more about you.
where do you come from and what are you looking for?
Which city are you from?
I really want to have you, from viewing videos, got a lot of positive mood.
I also want to get a good-positive mood from you.
Please do not hesitate, send me your freshest photo.
If you have specific questions just ask and I will try to answer you honestly.
Later I will check what you wrote to me. So write me.
Greetings and a gentle kiss. Mira

Hello xxx!
I wrote to you on Saturday, and today when I write it is Monday
Sorry for taking so long to respond, I had a lot of work every day and
and after work I didn’t have the strength to sit at the computer,
since a 12 hour shift at the store where I work sucks all the strength out of me,
because weekend Sunday, there were a lot of buyers,
and in the cosmetics store, female clients asked a lot for advice on different types of cosmetics.
That's why I was tired and stressed out this weekend.
I'm glad you write to me. I really enjoy texting with you.
I think you are an interesting and kind person.
Now that I’m writing this to you, it’s Monday and I have 1 day off today,
I will continue to answer you and tell you what I think in my next letter.
I think this is a great start to our acquaintance.
I wish you a great day.
Best wishes, Mira!

Hello xxx,
I hope this letter reaches you in good health and high spirits.
Today I suddenly discovered that I forgot to tell you my date of birth.
Firstly, I forgot to tell you, I was born on 9 March, I am 33 years old,
In my last letter I already told you that I work as a seller of cosmetics and perfumes in the Yves Rocher
Do you know what Yves Rocher makes?
Facial care products, Makeup cosmetics, Women's Perfumes,
But Yves Rocher sells not only women's cosmetics, it also sells men's cosmetics, men's perfumes, men's shampoos and shower gels.
The range of products is quite large.
I like my job because I love communicating with people in the store.
Where do you work?

And to make your mood more ardent, I just want to surprise you this ,
I am sending you a photos of me where I will show you myself during the summer season last year
I hope my video will warm your heart and melt your ice.
ice that is suddenly present in your soul?! Smile)
Every person has ice in their soul, and they always need someone to melt it. Smile)
If my photos have not aroused your interest in me, I apologize in advance.

I work don't for myself. I have a boss. To be more precise. Then I work for a company
And I got a job under an employment contract with a fixed salary.
I don't receive large fees for my work.
I have a salary and every month I receive a fixed salary.
In other words, my salary is the same every month, and like all normal people, I stretch it so that it’s enough for me.
How are you doing with this?

If you could put my life into one sentence, it would look like this.
Every day I go to work and in my free time I take a break from work and sometimes walk in the park alone, looking for love, but it doesn’t work out for me. No Smile(

I would like to tell you a few words about myself and my past life, why I am here and how it led me to seek relationships in another country.

I've had a bad relationship experience here in my country.
I was disappointed and hurt to learn that there was no mutual respect and support in this relationship.
This led me to the realization that I want to find an exceptional relationship where a man will respect and appreciate his beloved woman.
Past relationships were solely on the fact that I must completely obey.
I was not respected or valued, so I left the relationship, I honestly said that I wanted to leave the relationship. I didn't hide anything, I said it honestly to face ex.

I lived alone for about a year in order to restore my former feelings and come to a normal life.
In my free time, I read a lot and walked outdoors.
I became interested in studying relations in other countries.
And I came to the conclusion that it is easier and more reliable to build an honest and healthy relationship in another country.
I started researching relationships in other countries, I learned about the culture and values of people in your country.
In your country, there is an opportunity to find a relationship in which each partner will mutually support each other and succeed in everything together.
I am not looking for the perfect fairy tale, but I hope to find a partner who appreciates and respects me for who I am.

As for the age difference, I will answer you,
For me the age difference does not play an important role,
if you are healthy and ready to build love with me, then I will be ready to start it with you.
The age difference is not as important to me as respect and care for me.

If you are open to acquaintance and are interested in the opportunity to get to know each other better, I would like to continue our communication.
I would be glad if you tell me about your views on relationships and what they mean to you.

Can not wait for your reply.
I wish you peace in your heart for the whole day
Best wishes,

Hello xxx
I wrote you a letter yesterday, but apparently you never received it.
The reason I do not know. I am sending you a letter, but you do not answer me in response
I suspect that you may have received my email from yesterday in the wrong folder in your mailbox,
just go to your spam folder and mark my email as needed and desired,
Only after this my letter will arrive in your inbox.
I did the same with your address, as soon as you write to me, I immediately see it in my inbox
I am sending this short letter just to inform you of this thought,
I really hope that you will carry out this action and then the connection will no longer be disrupted
I really hope that you will answer me back very soon.
Now I will continue to do my job.