Der Vorgang 29031

Der erste Kontakt 29031

Anzahl der Mails: 6

Es wurden insgesamt -- 6 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello! I hope this message finds you well.
I am Gulya and I'm a 29 yo lady who enjoys outdoor pursuits and engaging in diverse activities.
I could not understand, in what the country you live?
I am excited to discover more about you and build a strong bond.
I prioritize building connections that are built on mutual interests, values and respect.
I'm seeking for a genuine connection and interested to see if we have potential compatibility. If you are willing, I am looking forward to get to know you better and explore what could develop between us.
Write me on my email address:
Feel free to reply whenever you find a moment. I look forward to receive your reply and potentially, deepen our acquaintance.
Wishing you all the best, Gulya

Hi there! I would love to know more about you. It seems your letter ended up in my spam folder. Fingers crossed my response reaches you smoothly!
Hello. How are you doing? Have you received my email? I did not get your reply and I do not know why. Maybe you just did not get my email yesterday that I have sent or you just have changed your mind and do not want to talk to me now? Just I am not sure, if you do not want to talk, why we began this communication. If you have changed your mind, just tell me about this, and I will not bother you anymore. But nevertheless I hope you still want to talk and we will continue our conversation and will get to know each other better. I will wait for your letter tomorrow. I hope you will write me. Gulya.
Hello! What are you going to do at weekend? I could not read your letter today! I think this weekend I will spent at home. Tomorrow I will
go for a walk in park because weather became weather is not too cold for now. Then I will go home I will make a supper. And then I will go
to Internet cafe to write you my letter. I hope tomorrow you will be able to write me. I will be glad to learn about how you will spend your
weekend. I with impatience wait for your letter. Gulya.
Hello! What weather do you have now? I hope it is good and it do not prevent you to write me, or I will take offence at weather that because
of this I cannot read your letter. I joke! I understand there can be such situations when you just cannot write me. But I hope you will not
have such situations often and we will talk to each other every day. I hope soon I will be able to read your letter! Gulya.
I have not seen your letter today. I thought you will write me. I hope all is good with you and you still want to talk with me. I do not
know why you have not written me, maybe you do not have time to write me, or I have told something wrong? If I have told you something not
pleasant for you, I hope you will tell me, I do not want to offend you, maybe it is just because of that I do not know English very good. I
hope you still want to talk and you will write me soon. I will wait for your letter tomorrow. I hope I shall see it. Gulya.