Der Vorgang 29188

Der erste Kontakt 29188

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hey there my new mate, How are u doing? My 1st name's Olya, Currently I am 33 years. I was born and live in country Russia. I would like to meet you better. Where are u from originally? I'm really interested in our communication. I look for a young man for building a family. To myself, what matters most in a gentleman is honesty, allegiance, confidence. I wish to meet you because I don’t want anything to do with Russian gentleman. I am looking forward to your answer. So you want to know little story about me, u can question, Iwill be glad to tell you. So I have a big request to you, to answer me only if you’re really interested in me. So you aren’t interested in this, please do not waste our time.If you are interested Please reply ONLY to my regular mailbox: olga_dolgova_3@outlook.comHave a great day! Olga.