Der Vorgang 29207

Der erste Kontakt 29207

Anzahl der Mails: 2

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Hello my dear new friend,

Thank you so much for your detailed and thoughtful email. It's truly a
pleasure to learn more about you and your life. I appreciate you taking the
time to share some personal details. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of
your parents, and I can imagine that taking over the family home must have
been a significant responsibility. It sounds like you've had a fulfilling
career in business administration, particularly as an insurance broker
dealing with assessing damages after accidents. It must be challenging but
rewarding work. Your love for soccer and spending time at the Dutch North
Sea coast, with a caravan for year-round relaxation, paints a vivid picture
of your leisure activities. It's wonderful to have a peaceful retreat like
that to unwind. The diversity in the locations where your siblings reside
adds an interesting layer to your family story. Living in different places,
each with its unique charm, must make family gatherings quite special. I
find your story intriguing and would love to continue our conversation.
I'll write you a little bit about myself so you will have idea who you talk
to. I hope our acquaintance will be mutual. Respect means a lot to me.
I was born in Ukraine, in Kharkov city. In 1995, July 10. I'm cancer. And
when is your birthday? I live here in Kharkov. I’m find in a safe place,
don’t worry. All the recent events that have taken place in Ukraine is
something terrible. I don't want to write about it. But I still can’t get
rid of this terrible feeling of a huge war that caused great harm to the
country and so many people. I have changed my outlook and now I appreciate
everything that happens in my life.
My dear friend, I'm sure you've heard the news of things happened in
Ukraine. No wise person has reasons for this. The reason is world politics,
all countries are involved in it. There is no truth anywhere unfortunately.
My life was perfect before this situation that is happening now here in
Ukraine. I was living and working. Life has played a cruel joke on us. I
hope that you can understand me and what I am going through at the moment.
I am a good worker (I am an administrator at the driving school and a
part-time instructor), We had a nice and soulful company with my team.
Everything was fine. Then the war broke out. The company accounts were
frozen. I don't even know where the founder of the company is now. War
started between our people, they started destroying us civilians, our own
Ukrainian army. A lot of good people died, both Ukrainians and Russian
military. No one still knows the truth, no one will know the whole truth
now. I just move on with my life. My mom and dad are also alive. Thank God
things are getting better for us. So I can try to move on with my life, too.
You may be wondering why I chose you, since you live so far away. But you
should already know that there is a war going on in this country, and in
the whole area, and not many people want to meet in person, and besides,
I'm a little shy and I would be much better off getting to know a person
online. Before taking any other steps. Also, don't forget that you're the
one I'm interested in. So I think distance is not a factor as such a
problem. And I think you'll agree with me.
I want a man to love and be free with him. I don't want anyone to blame me
for that. I want love and understanding. Now I need human support.
Understanding and love, if possible.
I'm young, healthy and love sport. I love music, different for soul. I love
cleanliness. I love to eat delicious. I love red wine. Like the sea. I love
my job.
If you want to try to tie your fate to my fate, then I'll be happy to try.
On this I finish writing.
Sincerely, your girlfriend Roza.

P.S. Picture of me. I hope that you will also have to send your pictures.

�б, 17 февр. 2024 г. в 02:51, xxx xxx :

I hope your weekend went well, just a short note about how I wrote to you but didn't see a response from you.