Der Vorgang 29210

Der erste Kontakt 29210

Anzahl der Mails: 2

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Hi! My name is Marina. I'm from Ukraine. I live in a small town called Poltava. Write to me and I will send you more photos. I think you'll like me. And now a little about me: I'm 29. I have dark hair and green eyes. I'll be waiting for your letter. Marina.

Good afternoon, this is Marina. How are you today? I'm sorry for not responding to your letter right away. I am very pleased that you have responded to my letter. unfortunately, there are Internet outages in Ukraine now and the Internet speed is very weak, and unfortunately it is not always available, and telephone communication is also not always available, especially during shelling and when missiles are flying. Have you heard anything about our situation? what is shown in your news? because we have problems with television and we don't always have the opportunity to watch TV. Thank you very much for your attention, for your empathy. Now the world is completely incomprehensible, everything seems to have changed. As you know, my name is Marina sometimes my friends call me Marina. This is an old story from my school past, I am 29 years old, next year I will be 30 years old, I was born in 1995, when the USSR collapsed. Have you heard anything about the USSR? I was born in the small town of Poltava, my city is not so far from the fighting. During the Second World War, there was a prisoner of war camp in our city in which there were Soviet prisoners who were captured by Fascist troops. Now we are worried again that this will happen again, I understand that all life is a cycle, and many cycles repeat themselves again. I am here, I graduated from high school, I received higher education in the city of Kharkov, now my university is completely destroyed, it no longer exists. This city is 100km away, have you heard on the news what the Russian troops did to it? There is practically nothing left of this ancient city, it is a pity, it would have been a nice beautiful city, but now it is a pile of stones. I also did an internship in the city of Kishenev, in the neighboring country of Moldova, I returned home before the start of the war. Now I'm lonely, I don't have a person around to support me. I haven't had a family yet, I don't have children, but I want to have my own family. Ukrainian guys are very bad family men, as they use a lot of alcohol and drugs. I don't remember where I had your address from, but as far as I remember, we didn't communicate for a long time, I think it's not so important now, the main thing is that now we are communicating again, I would like to continue our communication, if you don't mind. I want a serious relationship, and after the start of the war, my past memory has been erased, I only think about a good future. The war has been going on for a very long time, these are difficult days for our country. Many millions of people have left for other countries to go to another country, this is a big step, I'm thinking about it, but I don't know what to do yet. I am in a difficult situation. I don't have anyone in other countries to go to, and every day we are told stories here about how people go to Europe or somewhere else, and they are sold into slavery there, I use women in prostitution, and men in mines. I do not know if this is true or not. Now that we have started communicating, I hope that we will continue our communication. I had a job here, but now the place where I worked has closed, the owner of the company left for Bulgaria in the first days of the war, he is a rich man, he has a house there, he thought only about himself and his family, but although it is possible and right, when there is a war you need to think about yourself and your family Because you can't help all your employees. Tell me a little bit about you, what city do you live in? What do you think about the beginning of our relationship? Tell me, what do you do? What are your hobbies? I hope my letter was not boring for you. I would really like to continue communicating with you. I am always sincere and honest with people. I think there can be no future in a relationship without trust and understanding. I want to get to know you more so that I can trust you more. About three years ago, I had experience communicating with men on the Internet, but it all ended when they asked for my intimate photos, I immediately stopped communicating, because there are other girls who earn money for intimate photos. I am looking for only a really real serious relationship that will give me air to breathe, for my part I promise to be honest. Write to me, I will be glad to see your answer! Marina