Der Vorgang 29272

Der erste Kontakt 29272

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Aloha my great friend! How are things getting on? I'm Alenochka, I am 33 years old. I am originally and live in country Russia. I would like to meet u better. Where you come from originally? I'm very interested in you. I want man for building a harmonious relationship. For myself, the main thing in a man is candor, loyalty, confidence. I decided to meet you because I don’t want to have anything to do with Russian gentleman. I'm waiting for ur reaction. If you want to know anything about me, u could ask, I’d be happy to tell you. But I have a big wish to you, to write me only if you’re really interested in communication with me. If you are not interested in communicating, please do not take the my time.If you are interested in me Please write ONLY to my personal mailbox: ale12345nna@outlook.comHave a good day! Alenochka,