Der Vorgang 29279

Der erste Kontakt 29279

Anzahl der Mails: 11

Es wurden insgesamt -- 11 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hi! How are you? I hope you haven't forgotten me yet. We met on the
site and agreed to meet here. I promised to write to you, but I had
some problems and only now I could get in touch with you. I liked you
and I would like to continue our acquaintance. I hope you haven't lost
interest in me. But I'll still be waiting for your reply.
I was waiting for your answer. I was curious to know what you would
reply to my letter with the photo and to my questions? But it's been a
long time and you haven't written anything. Why not? Do you still
remember me? Maybe my picture scared you? Or maybe you just lost
interest in me? If you don't want to keep talking to me, then tell me.
I'll understand. And I'll stop bothering you with my letters. I hope
you'll get in touch with me soon and tell me the truth.
How are you doing? I wrote to you and I'm curious to know what you
will answer me?
Are you there? Answer me... I sent you a letter, but you haven't
written me anything, even though it's been a long time. Why not? I
hope you haven't forgotten about me. :) I would like to continue our
acquaintance. And I was wondering what you would reply to my last
letter? I hope to hear from you soon. Tell me, what are your plans for
Friday night? What do you plan to do?
Hi! Are you there? I've been waiting for your reply, but it's been a
while and you haven't written me anything. Why not? I hope you haven't
lost interest in me or forgotten about me. If that's the case, just
tell me. I'll understand.
Hello. Today I had a great start to my morning and was in a good mood
for the day. But when I went to my email and didn’t see your letter, I
felt very sad! And I don’t understand why you are silent? Are you
receiving my letters? Maybe they end up in your spam folder and that's
why you don't receive them. But I hope you are doing well and I will
receive your letter soon!
Hi... I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I was hospitalized with
bronchitis and spent a whole week in the hospital! But I'm feeling
much better now :) I hope we can continue our communication.

It seems like it's been quite some time since I sent you this email
and still no response. Perhaps it got lost in the noise? I was
wondering how you would feel about what I wrote. I'd love to continue
to get to know you. I hope to hear from you soon. What's on your
agenda for tomorrow night, or more specifically, this Friday?
How's it going? I sent you a letter a couple of hours ago. I hope you
got it. I'm curious to know what you'll write me back? He-he. I hope
I'll get a reply from you soon. I would like to send my picture. Do
you like my picture? Just answer me honestly. Tell me the truth.

I sent you an e-mail with a picture and I was wondering what you'd say
to it. He-he... Did you get it? Maybe it went in the junk mail folder.
Check it.
I don't know why you and I started our communication? Why did you ask
me to write to you? I do not understand this! I am writing to you, but
you do not answer me at all! If you do not want to communicate, then
you could tell me immediately about it. Why ignore me. But I won't
bother you anymore. I understand that you do not want to continue our
communication. I wish you all the best.