Der Vorgang 29285

Der erste Kontakt 29285

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Good day, I am really pleased that my email caught your attention. I'm inexperienced in internet romance, but I've forever been interested in connecting with someone this way. It's not every day you write to a stranger, so I hope this surprising message will cause pleasant surprise. My interest in our acquaintance is real, and I would be thrilled if you shared the same way. If you are keen on communicating with a woman of my age, I will be sincerely delighted to acquaint with you better. I am writing this letter briefly, understanding that talking to such a distant person requires determination. However, if you do not mind, I will be pleased to go into our past in later letters. Would that be a delight to you? I hope my email has piqued your interest and I look forward to receiving a response from you - perhaps with one or two images of you.