Der Vorgang 29320

Der erste Kontakt 29320

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hi ! I don't know if you might remember me or not.
But we communicated some years ago on a dating site.
I hope I remember your email address correctly and we will continue our communication.
Apologies for not writing earlier, But I moved to live in another city.
And she should have had time to get used to the new place. How is your life? Do you still live in the same place?
What adventures have you had over the past few years?
Tell me, I will be very interested.
I'm currently lonely. I live alone, rent a small apartment.
I searched for a suitable job for a long time. Now I work as a designer in a small company.
Maybe we could finally meet?
And let's talk, gazing into each other's eyes.
I will be glad to have you come.
Or we can meet on neutral territory.
How would you be comfortable?
I attached a photo to make it easier for you to remember me.
I am waiting for your answer, and I really hope for your friendship.