Der Vorgang 29333

Der erste Kontakt 29333

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Good evening, And I really expect that this my message will find you in good conditions. I ask u, do not be shoked, that now I wrote you. I can easy write to u, why I send u it today. Because 4 this exist only one cause. And this cause is I feel lonely now. Using this notice I want to remove this bad feeling. That is why I hope that u also not have love relations, and you be able to understand me in this. The loneliness is the most bad thing, that can happened to any person. Do you agree with me? If u understand me, then write me soon. Here is some information about me. My name is Polina. Hope u may get my foto attached to this letter. I hope that I found that one person for my aim. I mean u. And that you this time are not married.