Der Vorgang 29469
Der erste Kontakt 29469
Anzahl der Mails: 1
Mailtext |
Hi! I have no idea how to start this letter. Actually I am writing to a person on the web for the first time in my life. I am a kind of worried and ill at ease. Are you single? Are you seeking a female for your life and starting a family? Right now I have a dream to find a fellow who will give all his love to me just like I would do for him.! I need a person to enjoy relationships with! You looked special to me at once. I am Sofya Fay 362 . If you wish to communicate with me, please write me back using my email address. I‘m holding my fists to receive your answer to my letter. Write me as soon as possible, please! I hope you fancied me. I will be waiting for your letter. Have a good day! Meet you online! All yours, Sofya Fay 362 |