Der Vorgang 2950

Der erste Kontakt 2950

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello xxxxx. I understand thats your name? good afternoon
.. I am very glad that you said to me on my Email .. as you already
know my name is Marina I am very glad that you said to me .. your
letter, Id cheer you up .. since I first introduce so .. I love to
talk to new people, but do it over the Internet for the first time ...
I did not think thats how easy it is to get acquainted with the
pleasant you man .. I really liked it so I paid attention to you, and
decided to write to you .. I was at work when she wrote to you. on
duty. in the hospital! mnya you drew and I decided to meet you. I live
in Russia .. in Tyumen Tyumen very old and beautiful city .. he has a
very interesting history ... Well thats what I think must tell you ..
I was born on August 7, 1984 .. I am 28 years old .. I live with my
parents, but rather with the Pope. I would really like to know about
you as much as possible .. what are your interests? Tell me where you
live? and what do you do? I would like us to know each other .. so
Ill wait for your very informative letter .. for this I will finish
my letter .. and with this letter I am sending you some of the photos
.. and would love to you and I posted my photos .. I would be very
nice .. I wish you good mood ... ! Marina