Der Vorgang 367

Der erste Kontakt 367

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Die Transfersumme

3.800.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)

Die Telefonnummern


Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Greeting From Joy Garba

I pray this day brings you a happiness wealthier and very helpful day,how is life over there in your country?i hope you are in atmosphere of peace and love.

Like i said,it is my pleasure to meet you and to build a good favourable relationship with you.
Now i will like to explain more to you in details about my position and why i initiated this contact with you. Due to my critical condition right now i will not hesitate to make known to you all about me and the for business project which i will like to have with you, so please do not delay as i am going to expose allot about my self and background here to you without us knowing each other very well in the time past but i belief that every solid partnership starts just onea day, as i My wishing can not be different. I hope you will forgive me if i have gone far beyond your imagination/expectation from a new friend.

About me:
My name Joy Garba,i am a single daughter of my parents, a citizen of Somalia in East Africa,i am 23 yrs old, never married,and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country last few years,my father was Late Dr.Falli Garba,he was a top politician and a prominent successful oil business man,My parent was killed by the rebels during the war in my country.It was only me that is alive now and I managed to escaped to Senegal,through the help of (UNICEF) and red cross and i am now registered with the united nation high commission for refugees camp Dakar Office here in Senegal.

Further more I was studying law at the University before the political crisis in my country which led to bloody civil war began and unfortunately it claimed the life of my beloved ones and living me in this frustrating / painful condition.

I am residing in Senegal as a refugee,because I don t have any relatives now that i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war,and the only person i have now is Rev. Fread xxx.who is the Reverend father of the (St John Catholic Church Dakar Senegal) here in the camp, he has been very good to me since l came to this camp, and it is from the office of the reverend who is in charge of the camp were i am now that has the computer through which i am emailing you, I told the Reverend about my situation and he permitted me to access my email in his office computer when ever he has chance with it, l am not living with him rather l live in the female s hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men and the other for women. The Pastor s Tel number is (+221-777897048) if you call, tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel.

Please listen to this and try to keep it to your self only. When my father was alive, he deposited some money in a bank and he used my name as his next of kin, the amount is US$ 3.8m ( three million eight hundred thousand United States dollars ). So l will like you to assist me transfer this money to your account and after that you will send me some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you. I can t withdraw the money my self due to my refugee statues here in this camp and the law of thi country does not permit me to claim the money, rather the money can t be transferred in Senegal where i am in refugee statues. I have got in touch with the bank and made them to know about my plans to withdraw this money, l also got them aware of the death of my father and they have acknowledged it with all there confirmation.

I have the statement ,Deposit certificate of my late father account, and the death certificate of my late father here with me.i want to use it to run business with you moreover thev money is deposited in the bank at Scotland In United Kingdom.

However I want you to send me your contact information s such as your
Names ........................................
Address ........................................
Telephone ........................................
so that i can forward you the contact details of the bank,which will enable you to contact the bank easily and make the transfer.

Meanwhile like i told you, due to my statue as a refugee and i cannot transfer this money by myself,when i contacted the bank officer, the Bank Manager
advice me to look for a business partner who will stand on my behalf, preferably a foreigner partner who will stand on my behalf to the bank and transfer this fund to his or her account, that is why i decided to make this contact with you, for you to stand on my behalf to the bank and ask them the possibility of transferring this fund into your position in your country. As I have said i have with me all the Information concerning the fund. I am helpless without you, i am having no account,any raw money at hand and no body abroad as a friend or relation to help me out for it is my wish to further life with you over there. After the transfer of late father money into your account, You will help me withdraw some part of the money and send to me to enable me obtain all my traveling documents to join you and have a good business with you and continue my education which is my most important concern now and for the capital investment which you have to help me for that. I will be ready to offer you 25% of the whole money a compensation and will equally map out another 5% to pay you back for any expenses you may make, if at all there will be. My promise to you is that i will be of my best to you both in deed and in kind I am waiting for your urgent response so that we can proceed. Send to me Your Full names, Address occupation and telephone number together with your picture, hopen receiving all this information from you i will then draft a mail to the bank to present you as my partner after which i will equally give you their contact details, so that when you contact them they will honor your application.attach is my picture so that you will see how i look like.
Thank Miss. Joy Garba