Der Vorgang 436

Der erste Kontakt 436

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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thank you much for the email address you gave to me via AFF.please reply me soon if you get this mail.because this is going to prove to me that my mail got to you peacefully with out any hesitation from Yahoo.hug.reply soon.Karen
thank you much for your wonderful mail.i am amazed to read from you but very much surprise to hear from you so fast with such a long letter.please i have gone through your mail and in fact you look very good in every sentence you put down.but how to judge.let us cope to each other and get on with this relationship to see the good fruit from it.i have attached a photo for you are welcome.Karen.i graduated as a nurse 4th October 2010 and now join the peace cope organization.but i am on my holiday in my country to celebrate the Xmas with my family.hug and kisses to you.Karen.the other photo is of me and my colleagues during our service.i am going back to continue my service on 6th of January 2011.
thank you much for your mail.i hope that you are doing good and having the best of health.i am also doing good and very much over warm as writing you this mail.i can see you sent this mail of yours last 3 days.sorry for not reading it have to know the reason.the reason is the Xmas and the near year.yes i had good Xmas and having the wonderful new year.hope you are also having the same.
yes is good that you are fast on the key was surprising to me at first.but now i have understand your point.yes i am in USA now as it is my country of origin even though i am helping the people in the 3rd world country on their health issue.the other colleagues in the photo are my colleagues who joined the peace cope with me.i have attached other photos for you to see me and my friend when we were there in week i have to return back to do my service as my holiday season will end.i love talking with you and thank you much for your wonderful are welcome.please let us build a successful relationship to see how it will end us.
thank you much for the look more than gentle and nice.hugg and Kisses.
Karen.hope to hear from you soon.