Der Vorgang 443

Der erste Kontakt 443

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Die Transfersumme

2.800.000,00 Pfund (Anzahl: 1)

Der RevFather

45.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)

Die Telefonnummern


Weitere Mailadressen

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good day my Dear,

I want to thank you for the wonderful opportunity you gave to me although we have not known each other before, i am very happy to read your mail. How are you doing today, hope your doing good. I am alright only that life has not been easy for me, more over my name is Miss Linda Yak, i am from Sudan by Nationality, my late parents are Dr. and Mrs xxxin Yak. My father Dr. xxxin Yak was the Special Adviser to President Saliva Kiri of South Sudan for Decentralization. My parents were among with other top Military Officials and top Government officials that was on board when the plane crash that took place on Friday 02, May 2008, on they way to a Political Conference, i lost the life of my lovely parents which was the worst thing that has ever happened to me in life.

After the burial of my late parents life becomes so difficult for me as the only child to my parents, my uncle conspired and sold my father s properties to a Chinese Expatriate and left nothing for me to survive with, explaining to me that as tradition demand, as a female issue i don t have any right to my father s properties, i tried to fight for my right which he treating to kill me, that is the reason i find my way and run away from my country, i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal, although life is not easy here.

I am sorry to boarder you with my problems, i know that were ever my parents are at this moment they will not be happy on what i am passing through in life, i want you to accept my company because talking with you will makes me forget the past and carry on with my life, i want to know more of you, i am always serious with my studies, i like cooking which is a function of a woman, i sent you my picture and i hope you will love it, i took it when i was in my country. I Thank you so much for your mail and God bless you. please my dear i am expecting to hear from you soon.
Sincerely Miss jennifer.
Good day my Dear,
I am so excited to hear from you today, your nice person and i always dream to meet someone like you, as for that reason alone i will never hide anything from you. I forgot to tell you my age in my last mail, I am 24 years and i use to celebrate my birthday with my friends in school every year, but now you could imagine me in a refugee camp. My heart is full of pains and sorrow, i remember all i use to do during my birthday, my parents always buy me a special gift but that day i could not find none of them behind me. I am a student of accounting in the university before the incident. I could not finish up my education i was in 3rd year hoping to become a Banker as a profession.

We have general the oversea in the camp, he takes care of our welfare in the camp, he is the Reverend of (Christ the King) here in this camp, his name is Reverend xxx Christ, it was through his help that i could be able to contact you because he has a computer in his office, that was were i used to send you mails. Please in case you want to call me so that you can hear from me, you can call me through his phone and tell him you want to speak with me, he will send for me at the Hostel to come and answer your call. He is a good Reverend father, here is the phone number (+221-767459627) Darling to the fact that you consoled my heart, i can t hide anything for you. I want you to read this information i am giving you, that was the news where i first heard about the death of my parents, it was a great shock to me when i saw it, i could not believe that until i see it myself, you can read more about the crash event through this below.

There is something i want us to talk about, i know that is very difficult to get someone that is honest and sincere, but for the fact that you have made me forget my past and makes me happy in life again, this issue i am telling you now is something i will not like you to review to anybody. I am telling you this due to the trust i have seen in you, i feel your honest and understanding person, When my parents were alive they never hide anything from me as the only child. After the death of my parents i was able to get my late father s Statement of Account where he deposited his money, my uncle later got to know about it, that was the reason he was threaten me so that he could be able to claim the money. It contains 2.8 Million British Pounds, and as the only child i am the next of kin. i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you. When i escape out of my country, i also took along my late father s Death Certificate too.

My dear, at this moment i want to come out of this camp to live a normal life as a woman. I want you to help me out so that i could be able to get this money. I have already contacted the bank and they inform me that my father have an agreement with the bank that the money should be release to me when i get someone who could stand on my behalf to help me get the money. I kept this as a secret, even Rev xxx Chris does not know about it, but i will tell him as soon i get someone that could be able to help me out. I also want you to keep this secret to yourself because i am afraid of loosing my life. I want to go back to the hostel in few minutes from now, so that i can finish my labor. I will give you the information of the bank in my next mail. Thank you once again and God bless you for your kind help to me.

Yours Sincerely Jennifer.
Good news my dear,
I hope you will still remember me? You can go back to your mail in order to recognize me very well. I m very happy to inform you that i succeeded in getting my late father s deposit from the bank, and it was transferred under the co-operation of a new partner from England, Presently i am in England for some investment projects with my own part of the sum.

Meanwhile, i didn t forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring the fund, despite the fact that it all failed us because of the lack of financial. I know that you really tried for me and i appreciate your kindness at that time. I decide to compensate you with some money because i thank God for your effort and kindness at that very time.

Now you will contact the Rev Father Charles Warlie, who used to be a Good Father to me when i was in Dakar Senegal, his E-mail address is: or you can call him through the phone and speak with him +221-765562-154. Ask him to send you the certified bank draft of $45.000 (cashier cheque) which i left on your behalf for all your past efforts and attempts to assist out in my situation. Feel free to get in touched with the Rev Father Charles Warlie, and instruct him where he will send you the bank cheque. Please do let me know immediately you receive it in your country.

In the moment, I am very busy here because of the projects which me and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that i left the certified bank cheque to the Rev father Charles, on your behalf to receive the (cashier cheque) Therefore get in touch with him and he will send the bank cheque to you without delay. May God bless you my dear.
With Regards, Mrs Jennifer.