Der Vorgang 66

Der erste Kontakt 66

Anzahl der Mails: 39

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Hello xxx,

I am glad to know you viewed my profile and interested in it, Well... I must let you know I can resist your wish to relocate me if you already understand relationship and sex as I do, I am a kind of girl that likes to make people around me happy, I want a man that will care as I am ready to give everything in love and sex... I am looking forward to reading from you again and tell me if you want to see more pics of me, you know what I mean...
Hello xxx,

I am glad to know you viewed my profile and interested in it, Well... I must let you know I can resist your wish to relocate me if you already understand relationship and sex as I do, I am a kind of girl that likes to make people around me happy, I want a man that will care as I am ready to give everything in love and sex... I am looking forward to reading from you again and tell me if you want to see more pics of me, you know what I mean...
I am very glad and excited to read back from you and want to tell you that your words in this letter are really touching as I really feel for you and would like to make you happy and never think about the past, you sound like the man I m also looking for and I want you to know I am a kind of girl that really understand a relationship and erotic sex because I know how it really makes a man happy, Well... I wouldn t hesitate to relocate to Germany after which we think we are very compatible but I can t afford the fee to get the documents to Germany and may be we should just see how much we can love each other first and let s see where it leads...

My Dear Jainek I am always excited when readin from you and I feel like seeing myself in your arms with the photo of your cock which I feel like having now, I also attched the pic of my pussy for you to know if you would really like to feel my pussy because now I really thought much about it after reading from you that you want me to be with you so we can know much better about each other.. Well I inquired about the cost for my
passpor, visa and other documents and it s going to cost US$2,550... I await your response again and want you to know I can t wait to see your face..
don t think I m tooo expensive dear, I have not added a dime to the travel fee that is what I want you to believe and as soon as I have the money, the processing will commence.. I added more pics you requested and I am very glad you ave decided to pay the cost and want to assure you that i will make you happy in every way and satisfy your sexual needs... I can t wait to be in your arms xxx
I am happy we are progressing, I got my national ID card attached for you and my name and address below;

Name: Abisoye Aromire
Address: 26 Rabiatu thompson, surulere
City: Lagos
Country: Nigeria
Post Code: 23401
hello dear, please check the mtcn and send again cos the one you sent is not correct i m waiting outside the bank so i can go ahead and pay for my documents. Love you
honey please i m waiting in the bank now trying to call your phone but not going through. The new mtcn you gave me again says NO MATCH FOUND please honey confirm the number again and track it online if the money is available for me and also check if the money is sent to my address here in nigeria. I m sorry for all the stress.Please know that i want to be with you soon. Love you
Honey I am still waiting around the bank, i have been trying your phone number but not going through.. they advised me to tell you to confirm the country you sent the money to and track it after you have the correct MTCN, if it shows money available for pick up, then send it to me so i can get the mone and pay for today.. i await you
you need to confirm if the money was sent to Nigeria, if not that may be the cause why the MTCN has been saying no match found, honey please my heart is now set with you as i need to pay for the visa and other documents in time.. I want to be with you please get it done correctly or you can go to the western union counter and send it instead of doing it online... Love You
your monry is afe and nothing will happen to it, just make sure you get the correct MTCN, track it online and send to me or take the cash to the western union or money gram point and send to my details again... please honey i hope you will be able to do this tomorrow morning so I can get the money ready for my documents.. I can t stop thinking about you all the time now honey... have a lovely night and dream of me as i will do the same here too..

Love You
I appreciate all you are doing for me honey but i went to the bank again and still giving the same, call western union now and know why i am still unable to get the money cos the MTCN on the receipt is till showing money not available with MTCN, you can also track it online on western union website.. I cried in the bank and they told me the money is safe all i need is to get the correct MTCN from where you sent the money... please call the customer care, i am waiting outside the bank now...
I know it s causing a lot of stress for you but please you just have to do it for the sake of love and know my heart is already with you,, please confimr the transaction online again and see what i m telling you..
Transfer Status

Error W0131 We do not have an order with the provided information. Please verify your information and click Check Status.

MTCN : 4583235962
i have been trying your number... I m not happy honey
Honey I was told that may be their service from Germany is not working fine, may be you can try money gram if you have the money from western union if they can not rectify the problem.
I understand what you are going through and I know you really want me to be with you in Germany, after they clear the problem to you at western union, tell them you want to track the MTCN if the money is available for me so will be sure if i won t have any problem again and also know that you can t loose the money as they explained to me that the money is safe just that western union service in Germany might be having problem that is why i am having problem to have the money but i hope you will be able to fix the problem on Monday... I really love you and want to be with you, I will never stop crying until i pay for the documents....

Hello honey
Guess you are busy at work.I hope you will be able to fix the problem today because I am not happy yet.

Love you and remember I want to be with you
Honey I m sad I haven t heard from you, please just let me know what everr that happen...
Honey please I need to read from you to make me happy and also to know if you still want me. Please write me back
Honey I was told that your money is safe, xxx tell them that the receiver in Nigeria has not collect the money and you want to correct the transfer... Please I want to make you happy... I am waiting for your reply
I am sad too honey, Please don t feel too bad, I believe everything will be fine with both of us soon, have you gone to WU again? I amtrying your phone number but could only get through the voice mail.. I want to speak with you honey... Please make my dream come true
Honey please I need to read from you now. Please tell me if you still want me, you know I have not gotten the money and I m really sad about it, Please write me back to know if you still want.
Honey please write and let me know what s going on, I am not happy at all... PLEASE
Honey please write me, I think there s a solution to the problem. Please write I m dieing of your love.
I am a bit happy now that I read from you that you still want and love me and i am very sure I will be with you in Germany very soon after the problems we are facing at the moment, xxx believe that you will get your money back from Western Union and after getting the money back, I will tell you what to do.. I am really missing you, I am always lonely here and think about you everyday, I always call your number everyday but could not get through, Please be positive and remember I love you and can t stop thinking about you.. Please always write me everyday to make me happy and to know you still keep me in your heart...LOVE YOU
As I look at the stars at night
And dream of what is to be...
My heart begins to smile
For it s you I see
You re the one who makes me laugh
When things are looking bad
You re the one who makes me smile
When I am feeling sad
You re the only one for me
you brighten up my day
You re the sunshine of my life
you chase dark clouds away.
I think of you each day
my mind is set on you
You bring the best in me
with the sweet things you do.
Sweetheart, this love for you is true
And know forever I will Love You.

Be with you soon
Now I m also getting happy as I read from you and I also wish I can get your phone number through one day.I will always think about you every second and please don t forget to write me when your lawyer get WU response.

Love you
Thank you for caring about me honey, I m feeling better now whenever I read your messagea. I want to be in your arms and feel your love. I wait for your news tomorrow.
Love You
Hello Honey,

My heart thinks about you every second and that really make me want to be with you.

Love you
I am also happy that you got the money back Honey, now I am happy again and know that I will be with you soon, send me the necessary information as soon as you send through money gram so I can make the travel documents payments tomorrow and if there s no money gram close to you, you can try another western union cos it s so close to me to get the money...

Good to read from you again honey, I urge you to send the money as early as possibe so I can also get it because tomorrow is Friday and banks don t open here on Saturdays and Sundays so I will be able to get It tomorrow.
As for my day, I ve been thinking about you everyday and want to be with you, hold me by your arms. Honey I can t sleep now until I pay for the travelling to you.I love you and can t stop thinking about you everytime.

Love you xxx
Abisoye to be with you soon
Hello honey, I m about to sleep now and thinking of you and hope you are also thinking about me, I want to be in your arms soon. Good night and dream of me.
Love you
My Sweet xxx

I understand that we have not been together, but I want to express to you the love that I feel. My life has been a hellish nightmare, one that haunts and never leaves me to peace. The day that I realized that I loved you, my bad dreams ceased.
What I feel for you is that awesome love that poets write about and that we mere mortals only dream of experiencing. It is the love that is considered unconditional and undying; so great that my heart seems to burst with the joy of it. I cannot fathom living my life without you - waking would never be the same without your sweet face to look forward to; I would not be living, just existing; sleeping would be impossible without you to dream of.
You have made my life worth every moment, every breath and as such are thought not to feel such intense emotion, but what I feel is true and blinding in its power. You have swept me away and proved to me that magic exists - in you.
We will be together soon, I believe and have faith that what we feel for each other will overcome and outlast the distance. My heart is yours, my soul in your keeping. Please treasure it.

Love always,

Hoeny I m having a sleepless night because I have not read any message from you. Please write me and tell me you are fine.
I guess you found another girl at this time or why have you not been responding to me anymore, Please just say a word to me even if you don t want me anymore you can just open up to me and write me a message telling me you don t want me anymore so I can stop thinking about you everyday..

Hello xxx,

Please do me a favour by writing me and tell me why you stopped writing me.... PLEASE
I did not stop qriting you,,, I wrote you more than 5 times and you did not reply me so I had to believe may be you have gotten another woman which is very sad for me, I am still suffering from the pain and you shattered my dream and now I know you don t want to see me.. Well as for my ID card, my ID card is not fake because there s no way you can do a fake naitonal ID in Nigeria, for you to believe me, I can also involve the Nigerian Police to back me up.. but I thank God you did not loose your money...So now I want to know if you still want me and also what would you like me to do for you to believe me...

Looking forward to reading from you soon andto know if you still find a place for me in your heart..
I have to confess to you that truly the I d card was not of the federal republic but a sa$ple of it but I can prove to you that I m real if you have a yahoo messenger or hotmail so you can see me on cam. I want you to know that I have no intention of stealing your money but since you don t believe me I hope you can find a girl that will make you happy but I will never stop thinkng about you even though I am not going to see you again or read from you again.