Der Vorgang 6805

Der erste Kontakt 6805

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Dear Friend xxxxx,

Thanks for writing me back and I want you to know that no friendship
is an accident. I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than
alone in the light.

About me:
Name: Capt. Maureen Schulte Meerick
Born: September 25, 1983 (age 32), Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.
Marital Status: Single
Country: United States of America
Rank: Captain, USAF

Graduated from Parkrose Senior High School, Portland, Oregon in 1999.
2003 Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering, U.S. Air
Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. 2007 Master of Science degree
in aeronautics/astronautics, Stanford University, Calif. 2009 Flight
Test Engineer Course, USAF Test Pilot School, Edwards AFB, Calif.

Defense Superior Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Legion of Merit with three oak leaf clusters
Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal
NASA Distinguished Service Medal

Presently I am in Afghanistan for peace keeping mission due to the WAR
crisis going on here in Afghanistan. I have a good heart, I am very
sincere and down to earth. I am an easygoing, respectful and kind
Woman, My religion is Catholic christian, I never judge others and am
very compassionate, I love to appreciate the little things in life.

Dear, I have my reasons to contact you as I have something very
important to share with you in my next mail. I wish to build a strong
relationship with you on the atmosphere of trust and sincerity in
order to go into business partner with my funds which I need to invest
with your urgent assistance.

Let me stop here for now, I expect an urgent respond from you soon.

Your friend,
Capt. Maureen Schulte Meerick